Chapter One

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The blaring of sirens jolted me awake, my heart beating rapidly in panic. Frantically looking around, I realised I was in my bed and there weren't any sirens. I shut my eyes and allowed my body to fall back down, taking deep breaths to calm myself. Only a nightmare and it wasn't so bad this time.

When my heart slowed to its normal rate, I looked over at the time on my alarm clock. I got up, walked into my bathroom and stripped. Washing away the sweat and pain of the night. I swiped my hand across the mirror as I stood bare, eyes dark and haunted. I brushed my teeth, water pooling at my feet but my fatigue kept me from caring.

Throwing on my black ripped jeans, t-shirt and a bomber jacket, I tied my dark hair up in a ponytail. My hand lifted my messenger bag to my shoulder as I made my way downstairs, the smell of breakfast already filling the air.

"Good morning." I greeted my mom. Family. Different but I hardly remembered my birth parents.

"Morning, honey. How'd you sleep?" Mom asked as she set a plate down for me.

I sat at the table, hanging my bag on the chair and dived in. "Fine. Where's Ma?"

"She should be back from her night shift soon."

While I ate, I could hear the loud footsteps of Jessie coming down the stairs. She ran in and jumped in her seat. "Morning." Out of breath and eagerly watching as mom brought her a plate.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to run on the stairs?" Mom gave her that stern look.

The ten year old looked up, bacon peeking out of her mouth. "At least once more?"

I laughed but covered it with a cough when mom narrowed her eyes at me. "Eat and get out. Both of you."

We did.

"Bye mom." Jessie and I both shouted on our way out the door.

My baby sat in the driveway, a sleek silver 1968 Ford Mustang. Jessie ran to the passenger side and slammed the door shut. I got in the driver's seat and looked at her after putting my bag in the back.


"What did we talk about?"

Jessie shrugged. "I don't know, you talk a lot. Specify."

I smacked her upside the head and started my car. "Don't slam my doors. You could lose a hand like that."

"I'm telling moms you abuse me."

Ignoring her, I pulled out of the driveway and started towards the middle school and high school. Crestveiw high was situated right in the middle of Crestville, on top of a hill that overlooked the big town. The middle school wasn't far from it.

"You got everything, airhead?" I asked, coming to a stop.

"Yes, dumbass." She grabbed her bag and opened the door.

I grabbed some cash and waved it in her face. "Don't want this then?"

Jessie scowled and tried to snatch it but I pulled back. "Not all of us have two big sisters to throw money around."

Ruffling her blonde hair, I laid the money in her hand. "Lighten up. You should smile more."

"Whatever." She mumbled and sprinted towards the building.

In only a couple of minutes I was parking at the high school and getting out. Still early but there were a lot of students already here, excited not for the first day back but probably because they haven't seen their friends.

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