Chapter Fifteen

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Sulking and dragging my feet behind Sierra and her sidekicks, I held onto her shopping bags. Jacob and I were meant to go with them for mani pedis yesterday after school, but they rescheduled for today. I think they did it on purpose as torture for Jacob and I. Because not only did they go to the salon but they've been dragging us around the mall.

"What happened after you told her?" My friend asked, struggling to hold a bunch of bags belonging to Amanda and Blair.

A pout formed as I recalled my slip up. "Nothing. The bell went off and we went to class. She still took off with Dillon after school and she ignored me most of the day yesterday."

At this point, all my built up courage evaporated. I had no hope for Sierra and I. I've been doing my best not to act like this whole Dillon thing wasn't breaking my poor pathetic heart, but it was.

Sierra was laughing like my world wasn't crashing. The sound mirthful and soft. I could see pure joy in her honey eyes, her posture free and loose. I walked up to her and flicked her ear.

"What the fuck? Why do you keep doing that?" She glared up at me.

"Language short stuff." I smirked.

She punched my arm. "I'm 5'6. You're just a fucking giant."

"How was your date?" I tried to ask casually.

Sierra continued walking around the store. "Good, very.....educational."

"What does that mean?" I bit my lip to feel a different type of pain.

I saw a smirk as she browsed through the dresses. "What I said. How would this look?" She held up a black lace dress.

I didn't answer and swallowed down the knot in my throat. "Excuse me." Holding on to the two bags, I walked away.

"Mira, wait." I heard her call but ignored it.

I found myself in an arcade after moping around for a while. Securing Sierra's bags on my forearm, I played every game I laid eyes on. I must have entertained myself there for an hour before moving on. I took my tickets and chose a medium size plush cheetah. Sierra liked them. Too sooth my little stupid heart, I got myself a waffle cone with chocolate chip cookie dough.

Sitting on a bench, bags and cheetah safely beside me, I people watched as I ate my treat. An old man sat across from me, newspaper in hand as he read. I saw a dad and his two sons walking, a group of older women on a day out and what seemed like a young couple.

"Lucky bitches. You found love, huh? Yeah, rub it in." I muttered when one dude kissed the other dude's cheek. "How lonely are you, Mr Old man?"

I stood with Sierra's bags and cheetah, threw my napkin away and walked to the old dude. Sitting beside him, I smiled. He didn't even acknowledge me.

I'm sad, give me attention.

"Hello," I said but he still didn't do so much as flinch. Not giving up, I tapped on his shoulder. "Hi," I smiled again when he looked over at me. "I'm Miranda."

"What?" He leaned closer and pointed to his ear.

Oh, okay.

Taking a deep breath, I spoke louder. "I am Miranda. What is your name?"

"I'm Howard." He spoke at a high tone. "I came with my wife but she's taking so long. I left her and came for some peace. I'm telling you kid, it ain't easy being married for thirty years. I'm getting tired of the nagging. Howard, do this. Howard, do that." He spoke loud and slow.

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