Chapter Nineteen

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My arms stayed folded as I glared across the cafeteria. Mira stood talking to Venus, a big smile on her face. My eyes narrowed when I saw Venus give her a piece of paper and my crush took it and shoved it into her pocket.

Maybe she's tired of breathing...

"Stare any longer and she'll explode under those eyes." Blair spoke and I didn't have to look to see the teasing smile.

"Good." I muttered as Mira finally walked away from Venus, that stupid grin on her face.

Unaware that I was currently trying to not strangle her, Mira sat beside me and draped an arm around my waist. Silently, I watched her take out two brown bags and slid one to me.

"The healthy mess you like. What?" Her face formed a confused frown when she noticed my scowl.

Lightly pushing her away, I slipped my hand into her pants pocket.

"A little to the right and you're home." The idiot shot me a wink.

Still not saying anything, I did as she wanted but instead of pleasure, Mira yelped in pain. I'm not sure if I pinched her balls or dick but it worked either way.

"Did I not do it right?" I feigned ignorance.

The girl now had her forehead on the table, a hand rubbing herself. "I think you just discovered my pain kink." She whispered, pain still clear in her tone.

"You cried when you stubbed your toe. You don't have a pain kink." Ivy said through bites of her food.

"Hey!" Mira shot up. "That happened one time and you promised not to say anything."

As they argued over that, I opened the folded paper to see a phone number. "What is this?" I clutched her jacket and turned the girl to me.

My crush stared at the paper blankly. "I dunno. What is it?"

"Now is not the time for one of your dumb moments, cielo. Venus gave it to you." I reached for her hand and placed the paper in it.

"Oh," She giggled to herself and stuffed it back into her pants. "It's for a sleepover."

"Excuse me." I gritted out, not liking the jealousy bubbling in me.

But as usual this girl didn't even notice. "Yeah, Jessie and Kendra. My sister and Venus' sister are wanting a sleepover so Venus gave me her mom's phone number to give to my mom. Now I have to give my mom or Ma the number so they can call Kendra's mom or dad, unless she has two moms, you never know these days. Then boom. The two ten year olds are having their sleep over." She ranted then sported a dorky lopsided grin.

"You are one special girl, Miranda." Amanda smirked, eyes darting from me to Mira.

"Thank you." The oblivious brunette smiled.

"Mhm, you almost lost a ball sack and don't even realise it." My friend added as she stood with her empty tray then walked off.

I groaned and opened the bag Mira got for me. I took out the yogurt, apple slices and salad. Sticking the fork into the salad, I heard a gasp from beside me.

"You were gonna hurt me." Mira accused me then her eyes twinkled mischievously. "Wait, were you jealous? You were, weren't you?" Her shoulder repeatedly nudged mine before she hugged me.

"Get off of me." I grumbled, face flushed with embarrassment since Blair and Ivy were still sitting with us.

Mira hugged me tighter, the embrace strong and comforting. I couldn't help but melt into her despite our scenery. With my head tucked beneath her chin, I allowed the hug and inhaled the familiar scent.

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