Chapter Sixteen

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Moving around my room, I grabbed my keys, phone and wallet. Taking my jacket from inside my closet, I caught a glimpse of my new bomber jacket.

Elation erupted through my being, the tingling feeling of soft lips against mine ghosted on my mouth. Not only did I get my beloved jacket but Sierra kissed me. Sierra put her lips on me! I got to taste her again and she kissed me first.

After our kiss, we met up with our friends and I got to hold her hand for the rest of the day. I'd see her blushing and looking away but I took it to mean something good. Sighing, I dropped to my bed, a permanent smile plastered on my face.

"What's with that smile?" I heard my mom aske.

Turning to the opened doorway, I saw her standing there. "Sierra kissed me yesterday."

Her laugh rang out as she walked in. "About damn time. I still remember you coming home and whining that Sierra didn't like you."

Slouching down so I'd put my head on her shoulder, I happily hummed. "I think she likes me too."

"I'm beyond certain that Sierra feels the same way, honey." She patted my knee.

Sitting up, I looked down at the small woman. "You and Ma have been together since you were in high school, right?"

"We were. Been in love long before then." Mom smiled as if remembering.

Nervously, I dropped my gaze to the floor to see the mess I made. I hoped she wouldn't make me clean this room. "So, my dreams about marrying Sierra one day isn't a fool's thinking? I can have that?"

"No, if you know how you feel there's nothing wrong with that. I'm not saying it's easy or that there's a one hundred percent chance of it working out. But if you're sure and you work towards it, it can happen. It also takes two people, not just one." She gave me a gentle smile. "You're also only eighteen and have no business thinking about marriage. Drop your sister off at her friend's before you go." She stood and pointed to my mess. "Didn't your Ma say to get that cleaned up yesterday?"

I nodded and bolted to my feet. "I would clean it now but I gotta go drop Jess off." I sprinted out of my room.

I found Jessie watching cartoons, mouth parted and eyes glued to the screen. The little brat wouldn't even notice if a hurricane passed through. Around her laid a bunch of snacks paper she'd eaten and favourite teddy bear.

"Let's go, bumpkin." She didn't move. "Jess!"

She jumped and glared at me. "What?"

I motioned for the door. "We gotta go. Come on."

She scurried to her feet, taking the rubbish and running to the kitchen. A few seconds later, she ran back with more snacks to shove into her backpack. Backpack on her shoulders, she picked up the teddy and walked to me.

"Whatcha waiting for? Let's go, doofus."

I followed her out the door. "You're gonna rot your teeth."

"My teeth, my problem." She sassed.

Rolling my eyes, I hopped into my car to drop the little brat off. Less than five minutes later of following her directions, I pulled up to a small two story house.

I watched as Jessie moved to get out before looking back at me. "What are you doing?"

I frowned at the weird little human. "Dropping you off?"

Her eyes rolled as she scoffed. "And you're just gonna let me walk up to a house without making sure I'm safe? What if this is a wrong address or there's no parents home?"

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