Chapter Twelve

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I threw everything on my desk aside, still not finding what I searched for. Getting to the ground, I ducked my head to see under my bed.

"Miranda, we're gonna be late." Jessie came in as I emptied drawers.

"Hang on." I told her, distracted by my search.

"What are you looking for?"

"A pen. I can't remember where I put it last night." I decided to look through my messenger bag again.

"You're turning your room upside down for a pen?"

"Yes!" I huffed tiredly, moving to my desk again. "It's Sierra's favourite pen and she'll kill me for losing it."

Jessie hummed and started to help but, I didn't have time to be shocked by it. Together we ransacked my bedroom, coming up short of it.

"Why do you have so many Spanish books? You don't even know the language." Jessie asked, flipping through one of the many books I'd gotten years ago.

My hands paused, a memory clouding with the answer. "I bought them after Sierra and I first started talking."

"Well, I umm...i-if you want to, I mean. I'm not saying y-you have to b-but we can study at my house." I stammered out as we sat under my tree.

Sierra only watched me with a smile. "I'd like that."

"Okay." I whispered, pretending to look through my bag so she wouldn't see my blush.

Sierra Ramirez, the most beautiful girl I'd ever laid eyes on, in my house? I was throwing a party in my head. Of course part of me simultaneously freaked out too, but I preferred to focus on the former.

Everything in my bag was out of order, with old papers, nervously chewed on pens and snacks I munched on. I had one notebook in there I never used and a Spanish dictionary I bought along with some other books I had at home.

"What's that?" A hand snatched the dictionary out of my bag.

I could physically feel my body heating up in embarrassment. "N-nothing."

"It looks like a Spanish dictionary, Mira." She smirked, looking at me through long eyelashes.

I blushed even harder at the nickname. "I just thought I'd learn some. I never know what you say." I mumbled trying to ignore her honey eyes on me.

Sierra gave the dictionary back and I put it in it's place. "If you wanted to learn, you could've asked me. I'd be happy to help."

"I didn't want to bother you." I still hadn't met her eyes.

"You're too shy, cielo. You never bother me. I'll teach you, okay? Promise me, you won't worry about that. When you learn, it'll be from me." She spoke in that firm tone that told me to just agree.

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