Chapter Eight

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My eyes rolled as my two friends kept talking about the same damn thing.

"I don't get why you can't just tell her." Amanda whined.

"It's clear you both feel the same way." Butted in Blair.

My locker slammed shut as a sigh left me. I glanced down the hallway to see my crush leaning against hers, a girl I recognised from the swim team next to her.

"That's why." I nodded to the scene where the girl, Jane, and Mira flirted.

I knew Mira probably felt the same as I did, but she also fucked around with anything that came her way. I didn't want to confess when I wasn't sure that would stop. How could I, when I currently watched as she hit on another girl. She knew I was here waiting for her.

Then there'd be times she looked at me like nothing else mattered. Those blue eyes only saw me, she only heard my voice. In those fleeting moments, the words were at the tip of my tongue begging to be released. I'd want to give in, to admit to the reason I approached her three years ago. To confess that she had me since the day we bumped into each other.

I caught sight of her again as she leaned against the lockers and it was as if she stood right next to me. Hair that came mid back, strong feminine muscles, sharp jawline and a singular dimple on her left cheek. Freckles laid across her cheeks that I've wanted to trace with my finger tips, the tiny birthmark shaped like a star on her neck.

I had to look away when Jane moved closer to her.

"She's cheating on you." Blair gasped, hand over her mouth.

We started walking down the hallway. "How is she cheating on me when we're not together?"

Amanda piped up. "You've technically been dating for three years now. You both were just too stupid to say something. Now, both of you are cheating cheaters."

"That's some logic." I muttered, eyes on Mira as she smirked down at Jane.

Mira's eyes lifted to see me, but I only rolled mine and walked past her. Amanda, Blair and I went our separate ways since we all had different subjects second period.

"Sierra, wait up!" I heard Mira call from behind me before, "watch where you're going."

Naturally, I ignored her and kept walking. I got to our AP English class and sat, seeing a panting Mira come in seconds later. The tall brunette grunted as she stumbled, barely keeping herself from falling.

"I was calling you." She spoke between pants, pushing her hair away from her face. "Didn't you hear me? Fuck me, it's a jungle out there. Someone kicked me. And I mean, they literally kicked me." She bent and pulled up her jeans to show me. "Look."

I didn't look, instead I took out my stuff for class.

"Sierra, I got bruised." Mira scooted her chair closer to my desk. "I wanna show you my booboo."

I faced her with a fake smile. "Go show, Jane."

"Who?" She frowned and I only thought she looked cute for a second.

"You don't even know her name?"

Mira squinted her eyes as she looked up, tongue peeking out of her mouth. Adorable. "Oh!" She snapped her fingers. "You mean Joanna. I wasn't flirting, well, maybe a little. She was asking me out but I had to say no because I have plans with you."

Okay, so I got the name wrong.

"Are you listening to me?" Mira snapped her finger in front of my face when I turned away from her.

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