Chapter Fourteen

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Walking out the house with Jessie beside me, I double checked that I had Sierra's gift. We got into my car and I drove off after ensuring we both had our seatbelts on. Sierra would be going with her sidekicks today, so I just had to drop the little brat off.

"I'm taking a pen." Jessie stated and rummaged through my messenger bag.

"Only one." I told her without taking my eyes off the road.

"Scared Sierra would hurt you?" Jessie taunted, but little did she know, she was damn right.

"Yes. Yes, I am." I'm surprised she didn't when she found out I lost it in the first place.

"Can I have money?" Jessie asked in that sweet innocent tone.

She isn't fooling me!

"Moms gave you an allowance." I glanced at her. "Why should I give you more?"

The little girl twisted in her seat and pinned me with a gentle smile. "Because I'm cute, have these dimples, my cheeks are pinch worthy and I'm your little sister."

Chuckling, I pulled up at her school. I got my wallet and took out two bills. Ava and Quinn were still ridden with guilt about not finding me sooner, especially Ava. She'd be giving Quinn too if she hadn't been a married woman with her own family and job. I was the baby to them. Not that I minded the cash, but they had no reason to blame themselves for anything. Now, each month they'd both send me money. Half went into a savings for college and the other half, I used for my needs. I wanted a job but my moms weren't fond of the idea of working and school. Plus, I had basketball to focus on.

"Thanks sestra." She grabbed the money and sprinted off.

"That better mean something nice!" I yelled after her. Jessie had been learning Russian and would throw in some words every now and then. "Spanish, Russian. What's wrong with sticking to English?" I mumbled and went on my way.

Parking my car, grabbing my bag and making my way into the high school was done in record time. I beelined to Sierra's locker where I knew she'd be waiting for me. I had to walk her to class of course.

But like the universe wasn't appreciative of my happy mood, I had to see something I didn't like. Dillon stood next to my crush, both with smiles on their faces. Pouting like a petulant child, I marched over there.

"Sierra." I tapped on her shoulder.

She looked over at me and her smile widened. "Finally. I thought you got lost."

I glanced at the tall dude, sneered at him, then faced her again. "Nope, I'm here. So let's go."

"I'll see you later then?" Dillon spoke up, stealing my Sierra's attention.

Be gone, demon.

"Yeah, I'll call you to set a time." Sierra happily confirmed.

I watched as he walked off, my body turning so I could see him disappear down the hall. I stayed staring for a long minute. "See him later for what?" I set my gaze on Sierra. "Set what time?"

"Oh, I said yes to his question." She shrugged and opened her locker.

"What question? Why did you say yes and what question?" I poked my head in front of her vision. "What question?"

Sierra shoved my face away. "When he asked me out."

"What?" I squeaked, heart plummeting. "Why are you going out with him when you're dating me?"

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