Chapter Thirty Three

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I woke up in sweats, my shirt clinging to my soaked body. The only light came from my nightlight and I hurried to flick the switch on the wall. Just as the room flooded with brightness, mom walked through the opened doorway.

"Honey? You were screaming." She reached up and cupped my face.

I realised my breathing was still even and tears were flowing down my face. "Ava got shot and mom wouldn't stop screaming." I wiped harshly at my face.

"Oh, baby." She whispered and guided back on my bed. "Do you want to call Sierra?" She asked as she sat next to me.

My moms were always trying to help, but she knew rarely anything ever worked. I'd introduced them to Sierra a few months ago and they seemed to really like her. But they only knew of our friendship, not how desperately inlove I was.

I shook my head as I kept my eyes down. "No."

I wanted to cry harder when I thought about my crush and the past couple of months. I let out a shaky breath when I recalled losing my virginity and Sierra telling me yesterday about her new boyfriend. Everything hurt, I bent my hand to rub my lower back where scars laid. Rubbing to soothe pain that wasn't real, I counted to ten in my head.

"Why don't you lay down?" Mom gently suggested. "I'll stay until you fall asleep."

I placed my head on her lap and closed my eyes. "Mom?"

"I'm right here." She lightly threaded her hand through my hair.

"I'm inlove with a girl." I whispered.

Her hand paused before resuming. "You are?"

"Yeah. At least I think I am." I kept my eyes closed as I thought about Sierra's honey eyes, her smile, laugh, her temper. I loved her temper and ferocity. "No, I'm pretty certain I am. Can I meet the love of my life this young?"

Mom hummed, but continued with her soothing touch. "I met your Ma even younger and look at us now. She's always been the love of my life. It doesn't matter what age you are. If you know what you feel is real, then it's real."

"Then it's real. I love her." I breathed out the words as though they were kept in too long.

"Tell me about her. What's makes her so special?"

I nodded and spoke in a hush tone. "She makes me smile. She doesn't judge my weirdness, mom. She understands that I sometimes need the silence. She gets that when I call her over, it's because I simply want her company. She enjoys the silence with me. She holds my hand, mom. She holds my hand when it trembles. She cries with me too. When I talk, I know she's listening because she looks at me like I'm all she sees and my words are all she hears. She remembers my fears, mom. She has a smile so bright, those fears cower at the sight. Everything else fades away and all that remains is her." My lips trembled as I said, "There's this girl..." Mom kept quiet while I poured my little broken heart out. "She's not mine, but I want her to be."

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