Chapter Twenty One

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I drove with Sierra in the passenger seat and our friends in the back. We were going to the movies and I did my best to not even look in Sierra's direction. My cheeks were still flushed and embarrassment hadn't left me. I could feel those honey eyes on me from time to time, but my goal for this night was to pretend I didn't. Sierra Ramirez didn't exist tonight.

Jacob pushed her way between our seats and when I glanced at her, I saw the sneer. "Why do I always have to be in the middle?"

"Because you let them bully you." Sierra answered.

My friend groaned. "Matthews, it's your car. Do something."

I only shook my head and kept quiet.

"Sorry Ivy, Mira is temporarily out of order right now." My crush informed her.

"Why? What'd you do to her?" Jacob nudged me. "What'd she do?"

Sierra was about to answer when I slammed the brake a little bit, enough just to jolt Jacob. "You should sit before you get hurt." I turned and gritted out.

She slowly leaned back and made a zipping motion across her mouth.

When we arrived at the movies, Jacob and I got the snacks while the other three went for the tickets. I paid for mine and Sierra's while Jacob only bought for herself.

"What about those two?" I pointed at Sierra's sidekicks.

Jacob rolled her eyes and ordered an extra popcorn and soda. "They can share."

Whatever, I did my girlfriend duty and bought for Sierra.

Holding my popcorn, nachos, soda and candy, I walked over to Sierra. Avoiding eye contact, I gave her the nachos and M&Ms. I knew we always shared the soda.

She took them with her gaze burning through my skull. "Are you going to be like this the entire night?" Amusement and teasing are clear in her tone.

I pretended to look around, eyes finding our friends in the process. "Everyone's ready." I mumbled and walked in the direction the three kids were in. I could hear Amanda and Blair chastising Jacob for buying them one item to share.

"I am a broke high schooler and neither of you two evil spawns are my girl. Leave me alone." My friend snatched her ticket from Blair's hand and stomped off. She did give them money for the ticket.

"She's not wrong. You're all so mean. Sierra thought you well, it's impressive." I sighed, hugging my popcorn to my chest and soda in my other hand.

I felt fingers lightly touch my lower back. "You can talk to them but not me?"

I shivered, I couldn't help it, but pursed my lips. I wasn't mad at her, just beyond embarrassed and I kept quiet to keep the shame in.

"Mira?" Sierra came to stand in front of me.

"What?" I looked down to my feet.

"Stop acting like I'm not here." She lowered her head to meet my eyes. "It happens, okay?"

My face turned crimson and I averted from her gaze. "Stop thinking about it." I whispered harshly.

She stopped her smile with a lip bit. "I am not the one dwelling on something that happened hours ago. You are."

"Shut up." I widened my eyes and looked around us. Why? I had no idea.

Sierra sighed and stepped away. "You're acting like a child. I'm going in."

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