Chapter Five

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"Move over." Jacob groaned and shoved Blair, one of Sierra's sidekick.

"Don't be an ass and go to the front, Ivy." Amanda, the other sidekick shoved Jacob.

"Right, and risk Sierra's temper. You go. Both of you stop pushing me!"

I picked them up and we were on our way to get Sierra. I would've gotten her first but apparently she needed more time. Breathing in deeply, I tried my hardest to ignore the three bickering kids. Jacob sat in the middle being shoved back and forth like a rag doll.

I slammed on the brakes and turned to them. "Enough! You're giving me a headache. Shut up or you can walk to the party."

"She started it!" They all yelled in unison.

I rolled my eyes and drove again. "I'm never having kids." I mumbled to myself.

We made it to Sierra's and I honked the horn. Once, then twice, then I kept going. An angry but still the most beautiful girl, came out scowling. With fast steps and dressed in my damn jacket over her crop top and jeans, Sierra got in and slammed my door.

"Real classy." She punched my arm.

"Don't slam my door." I lightly flicked her ear and eased out of her driveway.

"What's the matter with you? You couldn't just honk once and wait?" She pulled down the mirror on the sunvisor to check her up. "Amanda, Blair, you guys getting drunk?"

"Yes, and getting laid." Blair answered.

"Ugh, I think I wanna wake up without a hangover tomorrow." Amanda said in thought.

I glanced at Sierra, subtly soaking in her radiance. She was fixing her lipstick, completely oblivious of me. Her brunette hair with blonde highlights cascaded down her back, jeans tight and low on her small waist.

I looked to the road then back to her again. Reaching over, I tugged on the black and red bomber jacket. "Nice jacket."

She moved her eyes to me. "Thanks, I think so too."

With the three kids bickering in the backseat, Sierra messing with the music, I drove to Justin's house. I wouldn't be drinking or getting high tonight since I drove but, I knew I'd be taking care of four drunkards.

The music could be heard from down the street, cars parked wherever they were able to in the large driveway and there were even some people running around the yard already. Not even 11pm and they were out of it. Justin's parents were rich and he was entitled, so naturally this would be the outcome. The guy threw a party every single week.

"Mira?" Sierra called as I secured a parking spot between two other cars.

"Hmm?" I answered, distracted.

"You said you weren't going to leave me tonight."

"I know what I said, Sierra. Don't slam my doors!" I yelled to the others when one of them exited and slammed it shut. "Am I speaking a different fucking language?" I asked Sierra when they left but she only shook her head. "What?"

She got out and was about to slam my door but stopped, ducked her head down and giggled. "Kidding. Hurry up."

"They keep slamming my doors like it's a joke. Won't be laughing when they're walking home tonight." I muttered to myself as Sierra and I walked to the house.

"Quit talking to yourself."

We entered the house party, bodies grinding and dancing on table. Some half naked as they ran around and some even passed out already. "Are you drinking? Don't take anything uncapped." I leaned into Sierra's ear. "Better yet, don't take anything from anyone that's not me."

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