Chapter Twenty Seven

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Grabbing my messenger bag, I met Jessie outside. Sierra had stayed over at Amanda's last night so she'd have a ride to school. Opening the car door, I got in and buckled my seatbelt. I looked over to see Jessie already wearing hers so I hurried to get on the road.

I hadn't stopped thinking about Amanda for the past week and the fact that I slept with her. I didn't understand why she never said anything to me or Sierra. I was both frustrated and fearful of Sierra's reaction, which is why I hadn't come clean yet.

"I forgot my pencils." Jessie spoke as she rummaged through her backpack.

I nodded towards the glove compartment. "I have in there."

She reached to open it when my eyes found the road again. I heard her searching through and a few minutes later I felt her eyes on me.

"What's this?"

I took a glimpse to see her holding a joint in her hand and smelling. Pressing a little too hard on the brakes, my right hand flew across her chest to hold her back. "Give that to me." I snatched it and threw it out the window.

"But what is it?" My little sister frowned.

"Nothing." I gritted out, lost on how it got in there. I always made sure not to leave anything in my car or at home carelessly, just for her sake.

"Okay." She rolled her eyes.

I stopped at the middle school and put the car in park. "Have a good day."

Jessie stopped from getting out and set her eyes on me. "Relax, I won't tell moms you smoke."

I frowned. "Jess, I-"

"I'm ten not stupid. But, you do know Sierra's mom started with weed before moving on to the bad stuff, right?"

I looked at her a little shocked. "Yeah, but how do you know that?"

She shrugged. "We talk, Sierra and I. We tell each other stuff. You might want to consider she doesn't like it when you get high. Bye!" She darted off towards the school doors.

My eyes stayed where she last was for a bit more, knowing Sierra always hated me getting high often. I had stopped doing it frequently, but the past week I picked it up again. My crush did make it obvious she wasn't pleased and I did pretend not to notice. That's partly why she stayed over at Amanda's last night, because I was high and she had a test to study for.

Sierra hadn't really gone back to her house in a while since her mom seemed to be there now. The few times she went over to get things she needed, her mom was almost always past out or drunk and high. Sierra usually held in her tears whenever her mom threw words at her, breaking down when she left.

Feeling like shit for being a complete asshat last week, I drove to school.


The locker room was now empty, except for me and Jacob. I tugged off my shirt and stood in my bra and pants. Getting my stuff for a shower, I half listened to Jacob talking. My attention snapped to her when she asked about her weed.

"You fucking left weed in my car?"

"Yeah, it was that day your Ma almost caught us. I just put it in there and kinda forgot." She shrugged.

My anger flared and I shoved her against the lockers. "What the fuck? Jessie found it. What if I wasn't there and she did something?!"

Jacob shoved me back. "Chill the fuck out! It wasn't on purpose. I panicked."

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