Chapter Eighteen

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"You want cheese with this?"

Sierra looked up from her many books and made a thinking face. "And lettuce."

I watched her a little longer, eyeing the fading bruise on her cheek. Since it happened, I've been doing everything I could to keep her at my house. My parents already loved her as their own so they were alright with it.

The downside? I had to share Sierra. Jessie was over the moon about having her here. Excited to have a girly girl, because I wasn't girly enough for her. I couldn't even get my cuddles because now that we were dating, she wasn't allowed to sleep with me.

Imagine that! My own moms betrayed me. I haven't even thought about sex with Sierra yet. I'm still high over the fact that I could kiss her. Now I'm being denied my hugs at night time.

"What's up with your face, cielo?" Sierra asked, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing. What's up with your face?" I grumbled, taking out the cheese slices for her burger.

My crush scoffed. "I'm not the one who looks like she sucked a lime."

"I happen to think I have a very nice face, thank you very much. Look at this jawline." I trailed my finger across the sharp edge of my jaw, head angling so she had a good view. "I'm so pretty."

The girl sitting across from me laughed, the sound enough to make my heart sigh in bliss. "You adorable idiot."

"You're crazy about me." I smirked at her, replacing her books with the plate holding the burger.

An indecipherable look fell on her face as she watched me. "Maybe I am."

I smiled and grabbed my own plate, moving to sit next to her. For the first time all week I had her to myself other than school. Even there, I had to share with teachers and our friends.

"Sierra! I put on Kung Fu Panda!" Jessie shouted from the living room.

"Be right there, Jess!" My crush got up with her plate, stopped to look back at me where I still sat. "Aren't you coming?"

My jaw was hanging low, burger in hand as I silently seethed. "I, I thought you were eating with me?" I asked when I could manage words.

"I still am. Just in there." She nodded in the general direction of the living room and walked away.

"Little brat." I muttered under my breath and followed.

I landed a small kick to Jessie's leg on my way, side stepping Scooter laying on the floor.

"Ow!" She cried out and threw the remote at me.

"Ow!" I winced when it hit my back before falling. "You little brat." Scooter growled at me. "You're a brat too."

"Dingus." She stuck her tongue out.

Sierra gripped my sweatshirt and tugged me down beside her, my burger almost falling over. "She's ten. Leave her and the dog alone."

Frowning, I watched her in disbelief. Saying nothing, I threw my free hand up and moved away from Sierra, ignoring her confused expression. I ate my food in silence as we watched the movie, Jessie and Sierra occasionally laughing.

My eyes narrowed on both of them, fuming on the inside. Well, I wasn't actually mad. I loved that they got along and that Jessie had someone to talk to about.....whatever. I just didn't like that she stole my Sierra.

Picking up my empty plate and my crush's, I got up to take it to the kitchen.

"Can you make me a sandwich?" Jessie asked, focus still on the t.v.

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