Chapter Twenty Four

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I swung Sierra and I joined hands as we walked down the hallway. I wasn't really paying attention to anyone, my focus was on the girl beside me. We had a good Christmas and New Year, uneventful yet wonderful with my family. Some of us showed up for Sierra's play which turned out pretty damn good. My crush received a lot of compliments on both her performance and the play, I was more than proud to show her off.

I had her now, she was mine and I was hers. I squeezed her hand a little more, the act making her look up at me with a smile. I smiled back while we continued to walk to the cafeteria. At the doorway, I stopped before we could enter and pulled her back to me.

Sierra bumped into me, hands landing on my chest. "What is it?"

I shrugged and kept looking at her. "I dunno."

She gave me a weird look. "Idiot, let's go eat. I'm hungry."

I let her drag me into the cafeteria and to our friends' table. We both took out the container of food my mom packed for us and I ate silently as Sierra talked to our friends. Occasionally, my eyes darted towards my girl. When she laughed or said something, anything, I wanted to look at her.

I must have been staring because she noticed.

"Seriously, what?" She asked and turned my face towards my food.

I faced her again, not answering and only looking.

Sierra leaned closer to me and whispered. "Stop it. Quit staring at me."

"Why can't I look at you? You're my girlfriend." I grinned as she scowled.

Sierra shook her head and went back to her conversation. I kept my eyes on her, my smile dropping with a sigh. I always had this pounding in my chest whenever it came to Sierra, but lately it's worse. Almost painful with its force.

I wanted to say things without knowing what they were. And do things, with her, for her. I often wondered what it would be like, actually letting Sierra know the extent of how I felt. Sure, she knew I loved her. I've said it many times over the years, but she probably wasn't aware how deep that love went.

"Okay, quit staring or I'll hurt you." She threatened.

She's so fucking mean...

I love you...

"You can hurt me anytime you want, cupcake." I sighed.

"Dude, you're being weird." Jacob laughed from across the table.

"Leave the girl alone. She's in love." Amanda teased.

I hate you less, Amanda.

Sierra rolled her honey brown eyes and guided my focus back to my food.

I still stole glances when she wasn't looking.


I threw Jacob the ball and sat next to the other girls on the team. I grabbed my water and drank some, throwing the rest on my face.

"Because you like to fuck boys, who likes to fuck girls, who aren't you." Renee scoffed.

I wasn't paying attention to the conversation so I was lost on what the topic was.

"You're only saying that because you found the last decent guy in this school." Kathy answered.

"That's why girls are better." Jacob wiggled her brows. "Right, Matthews?"

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