Chapter Twenty Two

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She's evil.

I sat on the loveseat as I kept an eye on Sierra. My attention was split between my crush and the television. Venom 2 played as my entire family watched on. Jessie sat with our moms cuddled on either side of her, popcorn on her lap. Sierra and I sat together with a blanket draped over her, I was scared to get under there with her. The lights were dimmed enough for her to succeed in her plans.

Ever since our movie night, she's been trying to get me killed. In front of my parents, Sierra acted like the perfect girl. She'd help in the kitchen, played with Jessie whenever the ten year old wanted, homework was done without being asked. But then when no one was looking, this perfectly evil and gorgeous girl kept toying with me.

Her hand would brush me in inappropriate places, smirks and kisses where sent my way. Sierra's eyes always had that mischievous glint mixed with seduction. Yesterday morning the girl was ballsy enough to grab my ass when my mom wasn't looking, standing only two feet away from us. She'd find some way or the other to torture me sexually.

The movie ended and Ma switched off the television. "Are you girls finished with getting everything on your list?" She asked, scanning the rest of us.

School was out for Christmas break and tomorrow we'd be heading over to my grandparents' house. I had my bag of gifts and one special gift for Sierra I'd give her tonight.

"I have everything. Did you guys get me my gifts?" I narrowed my eyes on them.

I didn't hear the answer as a hand dipped under my shorts. Looking down, Sierra had covered my legs with the blanket and inched closer to me. My eyes darted to her, she acted like nothing was happening. My mouth clamped shut as everyone but me spoke about our Christmas plans.

"Sierra honey, did you get everything you needed?" Mom asked. They treated Sierra like their own, giving the same amount of loving attention but being strict when necessary.

"I have for everyone except Riley. I'm not sure what to get her."

As Sierra spoke, she traced random patterns on my thigh. She made a show of being cold and pulling up the covers. I tried to eased away but her touch landed under my shirt. My body reacted and trembled but sweat formed on my forehead.

I could barely contribute anything to the conversation because Sierra made sure I could hardly breathe. I wiped at my forehead when she reached the hem of my boxers. No!

I shot to my feet. "I uh, I'm going to bed. Good night, family." I ran up to my room.

I fell face forward on my bed, a groan being muffled by the sheets. When I told my parents Sierra would make sure I was good, I didn't expect this. They were worried I'd try something but they didn't see how evil my girl was. I turned to lay on my back, eyes finding the poster I put of Sierra up there. Last year I captured this unexpected picture of her. She sat smiling down at her phone as she watched videos of cheetahs.

She's trying to get me to have sex with her.

Usually I'd be all for it but this was not a random hook up. Sierra wasn't just some girl who wanted to experiment or get a taste. She was Sierra Ramirez, love of my life and my future wife. Mother of my-

Whoa, slow down girl.

"You got out of there quickly." Speaking of the temptress.

I hurriedly sat up and shifted so my back hit the bed head. "Behave. My parents are here."

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