Chapter Thirty Two

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I washed my hands as I looked through the kitchen window. Jessie sat on the swing chair, eyes cast down. I frowned at her saddened expression and wiped my hands. I dished out a plate of Risotto, piling it higher than I normally would. Usually I was afraid of anything dealing with fire but she didn't eat what mom made. I often read cook books so I knew the recipes and I braved through the making of the meal.

Our moms left me to babysit her, but she's been distant since her adoption three months ago. Her eating was minimum and words even less. She spent most of her time on the swings or in her bedroom. Moms tried really hard to get her to open up and Jessie would attempt to smile, but it never really made a full smile.

Placing two spoons on the plate, I walked out to her. I sat beside her and she took a glimpse at me before setting her eyes down again. Scooping a bite into my mouth, I let out a 'hmm' that indicated how much I enjoyed my food.

"This is so good." I ate some more and rest the plate between us, the other spoon on her side.

I ate until there was a little more than half left. I rubbed my tummy and leaned back. The swing chair rocked gently while I took peeks at her. Jessie held a small mini plush dog in her hands. I turned to hide my smile when she eyed the plate of Risotto. In silence she picked it up and tested a small bite. Within minutes her share was gone.

"Did you make that?" Her voice asked in a whisper.

I smiled with a nod. "Yeah. Did you like it?"

"Yes." She mumbled and continued to fiddle with her plush.

"I don't really cook but I thought I'd try." I smiled, proud that I got her to eat and talk. "That's cute." I motioned to her plush.

The seven year old hugged the small toy to her chest. "Mommy bought it for me. For my birthday." I went to respond but she surprised me by going on. "Daddy got me a big stuffed dog that sings, but I didn't get to keep it."

"Why didn't you get to keep it?"

Jessie's lip trembled. "A big boy took it at my last home."

Anger made itself known and I forced it aside. "You don't ever have to worry about anyone taking your stuff anymore."

She looked up at me with what seemed to be hesitation. "I don't?"

Shaking my head, I fully turned my body to hers. "Nope. I'll make sure of it. I'm your big sister after all."

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