Chapter Twenty Six

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I scribbled down notes as I listened to the teacher in second period. Next to me, Mira played on her phone with her tongue sticking out of her mouth. I had an urge to smack her. While I had to study my ass off for decent grades, this idiot barely opened a book and got better grades than I did.

Making sure the teacher wasn't looking, I reached over and smacked her head. "Put it down."

"I'm busy." She rubbed her head.

I scoffed. "You're supposed to be listening."

"Well, listen then. Why are you bothering me?" She continued with her game.

With a shake of my head, I left her alone. After second period, Mira walked me to the library. I had to hold back my laughter at her scared expression, because apparently she thought I'm going to make her study. I am. There were a few students in here so I chose a spot hidden in the back. Placing my bag on the floor, I took a seat and waited for my anxious looking girlfriend to sit too.

"Can you not look like you're about to die?" I raised a brow at her.

Mira glanced around us. "I'm kinda hoping you're gonna fuck me. You know, since you seem to enjoy public sex."

I mean, I did love the thrill of it. Being exposed and at risk of getting caught. "Hmm, not today. We need to study."

Mira grumbled and huffed as she took her books out. "Bossy. I don't wanna study."

"That's too bad." I got my biology text book out.

"I'm hungry." My girl whined. "I can't study when I'm hungry, Sierra."

I snapped the book shut. "You're impossible." She blinked slowly at me, small smile on her lips. "Fine, go. Let me study in peace." I opened my book again but rolled my eyes when I felt hers still on me. "What?"

"Is this a test? I leave and I get in trouble because you'll be mad?" She squinted her blue eyes.

I shook my head negatively. "No, not a test. You can go."

"And you won't be mad?" She asked skeptically.

"Nope." I got a pencil out from the small stationery suitcase she got me.

"Awesome." She packed her stuff up to go.

"Bye." I didn't look up.

A kiss was pressed to my cheek. "Happy studying, my snuggle bear."

I scoffed quietly at the name but nodded. I got in ten second of alone time before my crush came back and sat down.

"Thought you were leaving?" I kept my eyes down as I wrote notes.

"You know where I sleep." She supplied, already taking out her books again.

"Yes, I do."


I sat on the bleachers watching the volleyball team practice. Mira's basketball team was outside doing their laps so I'd see her after. Amanda was a setter and Blair an opposite hitter. I didn't know much about the sport other than their position played and the fact that they were both great at it.

My focus was split between watching them and reading a book. Every now and then, I'd cheer when one of my friends did something that seemed pleasing to their team. Amanda appeared angry today if her playing said anything. I made a mental note to talk to her when we were leaving.

While the girls were heading to the locker room, an out of breath Mira cane stumbling up the bleachers. "Hi, I'm beat." She laid down and put her head on my lap.

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