Chapter Twenty Eight

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I closed my laptop and exhaled in relief. I glanced at my two friends, Amanda still working on the floor and Blair had fallen asleep next to me. I contemplated on how to wake her, but decided against kicking her off the bed.

"How mad do you think she'll get if I drew on her face?" I asked Amanda.

She chuckled without looking up. "If the last time is any indication, pretty mad."

I leaned down to my friend's ear, "Fire!"

"Where?!" Blair jumped up, rolling and landing on the ground.

Laughing, I looked down at her. "Heya, beautiful."

She sleepily looked around, hair wild and drooling at the corner of her mouth. "Ugh, fuck you."

"I don't think my girlfriend would like that very much." I smirked as she came back on the bed.

"Where is she by the way? She usually calls you after a couple of hours." Amanda spoke as she put her own work away. "It's both sweet and annoying."

My mood dampened at the thought of Mira. "We had a thing." I shrugged, not wanting to say fight since talking would be needed for that and we barely spoke all week.

"A thing? What thing?" Blair rolled onto her side to face me.

"I don't know. A thing, not a fight but," I sighed and bit my lip. "You both had your first time, right?"

"Sex? Yup. Lasted two minutes. It was great." Blair sarcastically commented with a chuckle.

"So did you?" I asked a quiet Amanda.

She had this indecipherable expression on her face. "Yeah. I was drunk so..."

"With that guy, what was his name? Kevin?" Blair sat up and crossed her legs.

Amanda shook her head. "No, before that. Why are you asking?" The question was for me.

I sat in the same position as Blair, not wanting to think this way but my mind went there. "We had sex a couple weeks ago." I mumbled shyly.

My two friends screamed and I found myself being pushed down with both of them on me.

"You gave it up?" They both asked in shock.

"Get off." I shoved at them and sat up again. "Yeah, you guys know how I feel about her."

"We do, I just thought you'd give her a hard time just like you did Erik. How was she? Are the rumors true? Was it just one time or have you been fucking like rabbits? You used protection? Sierra, you better use protection." Blair blurted out, a finger pointing at me.

"Ignore her." Amanda waved her hand. "What does this have to do with your 'thing?' Actually, answer the question about protection."

I groaned loudly. "We did use protection. And I asked because, well, I don't want to think it. But, she's been weird and distant and my mind goes to thinking we had sex and now she's.....fuck! I hate even thinking it." I fell back in a laying position.

"That's ridiculous. Everyone knows you have Miranda wrapped around your little finger. She's crazy about you." Amanda soothed. "Ask her what it is?"

"I can't talk to her when she's always angry or giving me the silent treatment." I stared up at the ceiling.

"It won't last. She'll eventually come to you." Blair patted my thigh. "What I want to know is, who the fuck did you lose your virginity to?" She squinted her eyes at Amanda.

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