Chapter Twenty Nine

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Sierra and I sat on the daybed we had in the backyard, feeling the night chill around us. She'd been silent since we sat down and I'd been too scared to open my mouth. I knew I needed to apologise, but I was working up the courage to speak.

I stole a glance at her to see her eyes lowered to her hands. Sierra sighed but remained quiet, I looked away when she lifted her head. Keeping my eyes trained on the flower beds, I waited for her to start talking. The dark wasn't getting to me since the porch lights were on, but as I looked further out to where there were no lights, I felt a shiver run through me.

"Do you remember what you said to me after you found out about my parents?" She asked in a whisper.

I swallowed with a nod of my head. "I told you that you'd never have to worry about being alone."

"And you'd always be there to listen because you knew how hard it is for me to open up." She finished. "It takes time for me to admit something's bothering me or when I'm hurting, Mira. But I always come clean eventually because I know you're waiting until I'm ready."

"Well, I know you don't talk to anyone the way you do with me and I don't want you to face it alone." I answered in the same soft whisper.

"You always come to me too." I felt her eyes on me but I didn't meet them. "Remember the day you called me at midnight just to say you taught your sisters to tie their shoes?" I nodded with a smile at the memory. "Just like the times you called at 3am when you have a nightmare. Good or bad, we talk to each other. One of the many reasons why I love you."

My heart sped up at her words as my eyes stung. I sniffed and played with the strings attached to my sweatpants. "I'm sorry for earlier today. I tried to pick a fight with Jacob and I pushed you away. I didn't mean to. There's something," I stopped to take a breath. "I did something and I'm really sorry. I don't want you to hate me because I didn't mean to."

"What is it, cielo?" She asked softly.

I mustered up all my confidence and forced out. "I slept with Amanda. I-It was a long time ago and I was drunk, I think, I don't remember. But I promise I didn't m-mean to and I never told you because I only realised when I saw her tattoo. I got angry because I thought that maybe she knew what Marlow did but then I thought better of it. And then I was angry because I was too coward to tell you that I slept with one of your best friends."

A silence swept over us and the only noise came from a cricket somewhere in the yard. I wiped my eyes that stung from barely kept in tears.

Sierra sighed next to me before I felt her soft hand taking mine, stopping me from tugging at the strings. "Amanda didn't know about what Marlow did until after it happened." My eyes fell on her then. "You were a victim to what Marlow did and Amanda had her own problems she was facing."

"You know." I stated when she seemed to calm.

My crush smiled slightly. "Found out tonight."

"You're not mad at me?" I asked, confused but scared of her reply.

Her eyes slowly flitted over my face, expression soft. "I'm not mad, just.....I feel weird about it but then again, I'm jealous of every other girl who've
had you." She smirked.

I moved so I was kneeling next to her, a finger pointed at her. "No other girl has had me the way you do. You're really not mad at me?" She shook her in amusement. "And you're not breaking up with me?"

"Why would I ever leave you?" Sierra took my hand that was still up between us.

"Because!" I yelled in a whisper. "You said 'we should talk.' Who does that? Feel my heart." I made her rest her palm against my chest. "I've been dying and you're telling me you're not even mad. Don't mess with me, Sierra."

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