Chapter Thirteen

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I ruffled my hands through my almost dry hair, gathering it and placing it all over my shoulder. Picking up my bag, I sat on the bed and took out what I needed. When I didn't see my favourite pen, I had to search through it again. I came up empty, a frown forming on my face.

"Have you seen my pen?" I asked Mira who walked in after her shower, a towel around her hips and sports bra on. I took a moment to check out her body, her scars making her even more sexy.

The girl stiffened before shaking her head. "Nope. Haven't seen it."

"Are you sure? It's the white and gold diamond one." I got up and checked through her messenger bag.

"Nah, don't know what you're talking about. Maybe you left it at home." My best friend shrugged and went to put on her pants under the towel, but stopped when I spoke up.

"Couldn't you do that before you came in?" I asked, trying not to get worked up by her half naked self.

Mira stared at me. Then she slowly looked around the bedroom before meeting my eyes again. "My room. I can do what I want. Even this." She yanked off her towel.

I let out a shriek and closed my eyes. "What is wrong with you?"

The taller girl laughed and I felt her presence in front of me. "Relax, everything important is covered."

I hesitantly peeked one eye open, seeing her stupid but provocative grin first. I quickly glimpsed down to see her with a boxer brief on. "Idiot." I shoved her by the chest and walked.

A hand drew me back, whispering in my ear. "What else do dating people do?"

I steeled myself, willing my body not to react to her touch on my waist or breath hitting my neck. "I don't know for others but I'll kick you in the dick if you don't-"

"If I don't what?" My crush spinned me around and pressed me against the wall, her dark hair framing her face.

Physically feeling my entire body blush, another thought became prominent before I could react to it. A scowl on my lips, I looked up at Mira's clouded blue eyes. "Are you trying to fuck me? Because I'm not one of your little girls, Miranda."

She recoiled back with a frown, hands and body leaving mine. "Geez, Sierra. I'm not trying to fuck you."

I watched as she quickly slipped on her vuori grey camo shorts, moved our books aside and jumped on her bed, arms and legs spread out. "Then what were you doing?" I pushed her foot and sat down.

"I dunno. Be romantic or whatever." She shrugged, clearly trying to be cool about it but her red cheeks told me she wasn't.

My eyes trailed over her chest, then to her firm, taut abs. "Then don't do it when you're half naked."

A smile slowly formed on her face, eyes eventually meeting mine. Mira propped herself up with one elbow and leaned in, that luscious dark hair falling to the side. "Maybe, it's not me. I didn't even think about fucking. Maybe, Sierra, it's you who has her mind in the gutter."

My hand to her face, I steered her away from me. "You wish." I stood and walked out of the room.

I heard her hurrying behind me. "You want me. You want me." She ran in front of me. "Look at this body." She gestured to herself, starting to sing while she did a dance to suit. "I'ma make you beg for it, beg for it. I'll give you what you need, only if you say please. I'ma make you beg for it, beg for it. Go on whisper your wishes to me, baby."

"Beg for what?" Jessie asked from behind her.

Mira abruptly stopped and stared wide eyed at me. I dropped my folded arms and answered. "Your mom called and wanted to know what to pick up for dinner."

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