Chapter Thirty Seven

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I felt her eyes on me but I continued to ignore the brunette. She'd been begging for her ring back, and I probably should give it, but I liked watching her squirm.

"Babe, wanna go on a date with me?" Mira hobbled over to my bed and sat with a groan.

"No, thanks." I replied, pretending to read my book.

"Why, not?" The bed moved and after a few minutes of struggling, she placed her head on my shoulder.

"I recently got out of a relationship. I'm not ready to date yet." I closed the book shut and looked at her when she sat up.

"We're still together." She muttered and shifted a bit.

I frowned at the genuine expression of pain on her pretty face. "What's wrong?"

She shook her head and asked instead. "Tomorrow night? For the date?"

"I asked, what's wrong, Mira?" I asked again, more sternly.

She leaned away a little. "My leg is just a little uncomfortable." Then a smile broke free. "Gimme a kissy and it'll be all better."

I smiled at the puckered lips and childlike tone of voice, but reached for a pillow to elevate her leg. "Do you need an ice pack?"

"No," She pouted. "I need a kiss. Just a tiny one."

I gave in, cupping her face and bringing her to me. I only let our mouths touch quickly before pulling away. "There."

"That's not fair. I want seconds." Mira's strong arms gripped my neck and my waist, drawing me to her.

I laughed out, turning my face away to avoid her lips. She peppered my cheek and jaw with kisses then. "Stop that."

"Will you go on a date with me?" She asked, soft lips brushing my skin.

I tried pushing her away, but with no real effort. "No, I'm still mad at you."

Her breath hit my skin as she sighed. "I'm still sorry. I didn't mean it, Sierra and I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have someone as thick headed as you."

Sensing the mood change, we both sat up and faced each other.

"What would you have done? Had I listened and we actually broke up?" I flitted my eyes over her face, seeing the scar on her face and a couple fading bruises.

Mira frowned and sighed. "Chase-" She glanced down to her leg. "Crawl after you and beg for forgiveness. Sierra, I felt...I don't know the right word to explain how I felt." Her voice cracked as she whispered. "Guilty, for the way you and my parents were. Broken, that my basketball career ended before it really began. Helpless, not being able to be of any use while Jess laid in a coma. Then seeing you look so...defeated and sad. I was wrong to try and break up with you, but having you stay here for me? Well, it's selfish on my part. I know I joke around a lot and act like a complete idiot. Which is worth hearing your laugh and seeing you smile, but I can never be selfish with you, Sierra. I love and respect you too much to ever do that. I had every intention of keeping our promises, but now I have to make a few changes to them. A new plan for us." She looked up and smiled. "Can I show you something?"

Rapidly blinking to keep the tears from falling, I nodded and took her hand. I helped her to stand and followed her down the hallway. Mira used a crutch to push open her door and made her way to a covered part of her wall.

She gestured for me sit and I did so quietly. "Close your eyes."

"Really? Just show me." I scowled, never one to be patient or good with surprises. Yet, I always loved and appreciated when she did them for me.

"Just close them." Mira mumbled, seeming a little stressed and nervous.

I decided to simply let her have her way and shut my eyes. I heard movements, something rustling and dropping. My crush whined quietly with a groan. Then another clash came and I worried.

"Mira? Still alive, you adorable idiot?" I asked with my eyes still closed.

Another groan before sheepishly answering. "Yeah, I got excited and poked my eye." Something else fell and air lightly blew. "You can open now."

I blinked a couple of times to adjust my eyes, seeing the big white sheet that covered her wall on the floor now. Looking up, I saw something new and old. To the left, was an old vision board Mira and I made years ago. It held our plans and dreams, things we wanted and places we wished to visit together. It was rather simple. Same college, different career paths but the same level of support as we achieved those dreams. The old vision board was decorated to the liking of our fifteen year old selves, colours, pictures and quotes we thought worthy then.

Before taking in the new vision board, I turned to my proud and smiling girl. "How'd you get that?" It had been put up in my old bedroom at my parents' house, since the day we made it and never moved.

Mira giggled a little. "Ivy and I snuck in. Well, she did while I stood watch. I never fixed your window." She said and straightened her back with pride.

I bit my lip with a shake of my head. "That's why I love you." I whispered before setting my eyes on the new vision board.

Newer photos, different quotes, some of the same places with added ones. I stood and walked closer to the boards, eyes on the ones I saw for the first time. I touched a picture of us at the ice rink, Mira standing behind me as she held my waist. I smiled at the memory of her trying to teach me and move on to a picture of me at the school play. The pictures went on, I read the inspirational quotes and noticed my dreams remained the same. Finding hers, my smiled slowly fell as I realised her new career path and hope.

"This is what you want?" I asked and gazed up at the taller girl. She liked calling me short but I wasn't. My girl was simply freakishly tall but fucking hot.

She sighed with a chuckle. "Options, right? And you like when I make plans and use your fancy stationery stuff."

I nodded. "Let me hear you say it."

She moved closer and leaned down, inches away from my face. "You go to college. I work my ass off and get better here. Phones calls, video calls, letters too if you want, weekend trips and holidays. It'll all help us get through that one year. I'll apply for some college courses to keep up and next year, I'll be by your side. We'll kick ass, together. You'll be a hot shot screen writer and I'll go into sports medicine. Same dream, Sierra. With just a small adjustment." Her voice strained as she finished.

"Same dream with a small adjustment." I repeated, a smile forming on my lips. "You put marriage and kids in there too."

"I did." Mira's lips grazed the corner of my mouth. "I love you, my little bear."

Laughing quietly, I wrapped my arms around her neck and joined our lips. "I love you too, cielo."

Moving back slightly, she smirked. "About that date?"

"Fine, I guess one date with you would be alright." I playfully feigned annoyance, laying my cheek against her chest and arms slipping down to her waist.

Mira rested her chin on my head. "Can I have my ring back now?"

Snuggling further into her, I enjoyed her smell and closeness. "No."


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