Chapter Seventeen

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I ran into the school building, ignoring the weird looks I got. I was too busy trying to find Sierra and pick a fight with her. When I got to her locker, she wasn't anywhere in sight.

Spotting Amanda at hers, I marched up to her. "Where's your leader?"

"What?" She frowned, giving me a quick glance before taking out her needed books.

I rolled my eyes and leaned my shoulder on the nearby locker. "Your leader. Sierra. Where's the sneaky little thing?"

Amanda sighed in frustration and shut the locker door harshly. "Get lost, Matthews." Then she walked away.

Laughing, I ran after her. "I'm sorry. But seriously, where is she?"

"She said something about meeting with Mr Khan then heading to first period." Amanda sped up and left me standing there.

With a frown on my face, I dragged my feet towards my first period. I always walked Sierra to her class before going to mine, so I didn't get why she didn't let me know.

My first period went by slowly, I barely paid attention to the teacher as Sierra occupied my mind. First, she refused to let me come over last night and now she's avoiding me. My heart pounded in sheer panic at the thought of her changing her mind about us.

As the bell went off, I shoved everything in my bag clumsily and ran out. When I got to her first period class, she was nowhere around. I stomped my feet and stalked towards AP English. I exhaled in defeat, she wasn't here either. I'm gonna flick her ear when I see her!


Leaning against my tree outside, I entertained myself with a game of solitaire to suit my mood. I abandoned my lunch and left Jacob to sit with our teammates.

The sounds of footsteps distracted me and I lifted my head to see Jacob and Sierra's sidekicks coming my way. No Sierra.

"Food. Eat." Amanda placed a tray on my lap.

"Why are you being nice to me? You don't like me. Is this poisoned?" I pushed the tray away, eyeing the thing suspiciously.

"Sierra said to give it to you. What are you, five? Mommy has to make sure you eat." The girl sassed with an eyeroll.

"I don't like you either. Where is Sierra?" I mumbled, turning to Blair.

"She didn't tell you?" I shook my head no. "They're working on the play."

"She could've said." I grumbled.

"Relax, Romeo. She's been MIA all day except for a few texts. She's not ignoring you." Amanda scoffed.

I don't like you, Amanda.

"How? Didn't you bring her this morning?" Sierra told me she had a ride to school.

Blair answered me. "Nope, said she had a ride."

"Where are you going?" Jacob asked as I stood up with my messenger bag. "Can I have your food?"

"To find her and at your own risk." I waved my hand without turning back.

It was one thing to avoid me but another to avoid everyone. I hurried to the theatre room and quietly walked in. I didn't see her on the stage where everyone were so I sneaked backstage. Effectively dodging Mr Khan, I silently tiptoed to the dressing room.

There she was, sitting on a chair and reading through her script. I briskly walked behind her and tapped on her shoulder.

"Joder!" She jumped and turned around. "Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

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