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"I missed you!" The brunette exclaimed as she held her girl tightly.

They'd spent months apart and finally Christmas came around, allowing the distance to cease. The honey eyed girl pulled away from the tight embrace, her heart finally whole. A least until they had to part once more

"I fucking love you."

"I fucking love you right back."


"How's work, cielo?" The girl laid in bed after a hard day of assignments and classes, only the thought of hearing her lover's voice before bed getting her through. The time difference only allowed so much opportunities, they took every chance but it wasn't always easy.

"I manage. I missed your voice." A sigh from the other side, the week seemed longer without much communication.


"I can't make it this weekend." Sierra rushed towards her class. "I have an assignment to hand in and I haven't even started. Please, don't be mad."

Miranda held in her disappointment, this being the second cancellation. "I understand. I just-"

"I have to go. I'll call you." The other girl hung up before her girlfriend could return the endearment.

"Miss you." Miranda finished aloud.


"You're so beautiful." The brunette stared at the girl on her screen. She laid in bed that night, managing to catch a quick chat before Sierra had to leave for class.

"I wish I was next to you." A touch to her screen. "Can I pack my bags and come home?" Sierra pouted, only half joking.

College was hard, even harder without her crush. She'd spent so long dreaming about all of this, only that dream consisted of her blued eyed girl beside her.

"Not long, baby. Just hold on a little longer."


"Why the fuck is some dude answering your phone?" Miranda snapped through the line.

She'd spent hours trying to get in contact with the other girl and when she finally did, an unknown guy had answered. The past four months went without any face to face contact, fewer texts and even less calls.

Sierra rushed out of the loud bar she came to with friends. "What?"

"Who answered your phone, Sierra?"

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