Chapter Six

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I can't breathe.

I jolted awake, gasping, choking, I'm dying. Smoke filled my lungs, burning my eyes as my back and left thigh burnt. I rolled off of the soft surface and landed on something hard, kicking and flailing around.

Where am I?

I'm in a book shelf.

No, I'm outside.

Quinn told me to stay and I did, but when she didn't come back I had to get out. I couldn't breathe in there. I'm burning, someone was screaming. I tried to find a light, something, anything.


I'm not four anymore, I'm eighteen. I'm not in a book shelf, I'm in my room. I have a nightlight on, I can't see it now. Why can't I see the light? Someone is still screaming.

Shut up!

I couldn't breathe, my back was on fire and my leg. I attempted to stand but that scream paralyzed my body or was it the pain. I couldn't see, I should be able to see. So much pain.



I opened my mouth to call their names, all I heard were the gut wrenching gasps of air.



Where are they?

Who was screaming?

A door opened, light flooded through and drowned out the darkness. My eyes opened, I'm on the floor, soaked in my own sweat.

"Honey?" My mom's voice.

In a daze, I looked around my room. I'm not four anymore. I stayed still as my moms rushed to me. Sometimes I looked at Ma, she had blue eyes, and I could almost pretend she was my birth mom. Ma picked up my trembling body and sat me down, mom was trying not to cry.

"Are you here with us?" Ma moved my hair back.

I nodded wordlessly.

"Honey, breathe." She bent and cupped my face.

That's when I realized I was still gasping for air. I followed her slow breathing, eyes locked. My back still burnt, my hands reached to my legs and pulled my basketball shorts up. Just scars, no freshly burnt skin.

"I'll get you some water." Mom said, already walking to the door.

When I looked, Jessie was standing there with her stuffed turtle in her hands. She was crazy about them. I despised the fear on her chubby face.

"I-" I tried to apologise for waking her, for scaring her, but my voice came out raw.

"Don't try to talk, you were screaming pretty loud." Ma sat beside me, hand rubbing my arm.

I noticed my broken door and I turned to her, silently asking.

She followed my gaze then brought her eyes back to me. "I had to break it down because you locked it. You know you're not supposed to when you sleep." Soft and gentle, they always were with me.

"I'm sorry." I croaked out.

A kiss to my temple. "Don't be sorry. We were just scared when we couldn't get to you sooner."

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