Chapter Two

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A/N: not y'all already forgetting my characters😥

Miranda/Lily = Quinn's sister
She's only Lily to her sisters so I'll be referring to her as Miranda throughout the book. Unless Quinn and Ava pops up.

Brianna and Cameron adopted Miranda, and if anyone says they don't know who they are then🙄✋🏼

I didn't do a big time jumps for this book because then Logan and Char will be.....poof...gone...adios. Now they're about to be great grand parents to Quinn and Rilee's baby.




The bell rang and I stood, gathering my stuff and shoving it into my bag. Sierra who sat beside me did the same, only she delicately placed her items back. Sighing, I placed my messenger bag on my shoulder and waited. The class was empty now, only us and the biology teacher up front.

"Can you hurry up? I'm hungry." I mumbled, scowling when she purposely slowed down.

"Be patient, Mira."

I turned and started to the door. "I'm leaving you."

I heard her gasp behind me but I was out the door. Pressing my back to the wall, I bent my right knee to steady myself. A couple of minutes after Sierra came out, face red and eyes narrowed. She had a temper, the girl always got what she wanted and most people gave her what she wanted.

Me? I liked pushing her buttons. I enjoyed how she spoke angry Spanish words I never understood, how her hands moved in every direction or how she thought her smaller size could intimidate me.

"Estúpida." She muttered and walked past me.

Jogging to meet her up, I swung my arm over her shoulders. "You're too angry. I waited, didn't I?"

She shrugged me off. "You weren't supposed to leave me in the damn class room."

I laughed and pulled her into me again. "Apologies, your highness."

We walked into the cafeteria but before we could stand in line, fucking Erik came up to Sierra. The football player eyed my arm over her shoulder, then cold eyes met mine. I smirked and tightened my hold, Sierra completely oblivious to our little stare down.

"Sierra, can I talk to you?" His eyes softened when he looked at her.

A sigh left her lips. "This is the opposite of breaking up, Erik."

Erik stepped closer, "I don't want to break up, babe. Please?"

I made the mistake of looking down, Sierra was looking at him the way he looked at her. Soft and caring eyes. Wordlessly, I let my arm slid off and I aimed my steps to the exit door, ignoring my name being called as I did.

I hated that guy ever since he and Sierra started to date four months ago. It sucked having to watch the girl who owned my heart be with another. Having to see them hold hands, hug, kiss, I hated every second of it. No one was as happy as I was when she broke it off during the summer. I didn't know why and I never cared about the reason.

I found my tree and sat below it, taking out my remaining wrapped brownie. I already had half before class started. I ate the other half of the delicious treat and leaned my head against the tree trunk. There were some students out here but none close to my tree. Closing my eyes, I let the sunlight wash over me.

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