Chapter Twenty

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"I think I did pretty darn good, if I do say so myself." I admired my big mug I created in the pottery class Jessie made me go to.

I asked her to hang out today and offered to do whatever she wanted. Turns out she loved pottery and now I had a decent, sorta ugly looking mug to show for it.

"Mine is better." The girl bragged as we walked to my car.

I looked at mine, then at hers. "I know."

Jessie made matching mugs for our moms while I made one big mug. She even painted on Hers & Hers with matching rings on each. Oh Well, they can share this disaster I made.

"Can we go for milkshakes?" Jessie asked once we were buckled in and on our way.

"Sure." I made a u-turn and headed for the cafe.

I could Jessie's eyes on me. "Are you and Sierra going to the same college?"

"That's the plan." I nodded, fingers tapping against the steering wheel.

"You're gonna be in the women's NBA and Sierra's gonna be an actress?" The ten year old inquired.

I glanced to see her studying me. "I'm sure going to try and Sierra wants to be a screenwriter actually."

"So, in a few months you'll be gone?"

"Yeah, but I'll be back for breaks and stuff. Why?"

"You have the bigger room." She casually mentioned.


"So, in a few months when you get lost, it'll be mine." She grinned excitedly. "I can't wait."

I laughed at her enthusiasm. "Jess, I'm gonna be back and I'll need my room." I pulled into a parking spot and turned the engine off.

"You can have the small room." She jumped out and ran into the cafe.

By the time I reached her up at the counter, Kaiden already had a plate of onion rings out for her and worked on the milkshake.

"Curly fries and a strawberry milkshake." I ordered, sitting down with a thud.

"You got money?" Sadie came through from the back.

I frowned then flashed her a smile. "I'm family. Jessie got hers free."

"You don't have my cheeks." My sister taunted, stuffing onion rings into her mouth.

"But I do have this smile." I pointed to my big smile. "Look at it and be mesmerized."

Sadie smirked, nudging Kaiden with her elbow. "What do you think, babe? Is that smile worth free food?"

Kaiden turned around when he was done with Jessie's milkshake, placing it down before scrutinizing me. "Hmm, tough decision. It's alright, cute ish but I don't know..."

I smile faltered, slowly being replaced by a frown.

"That," Sadie pointed behind me. "Is a mesmerizing smile."

Turning, I saw a smiling Ava walking in. "We have the same smile!" I slapped my hand on the counter.

Kaiden and Sadie only laughed at my pain while Jessie stuffed her face.

"Hey, little sis. Jessie, hi honey. Oh, look at those chubby cheeks." Ava cooed at Jessie who beamed at the compliment.

"Told ya." The little brat gloated.

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