Chapter Ten

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"I don't think that's how you ask someone out." Jacob mumbled as we did our laps around the sports field.

"Maybe but it's the only way I could do it without wanting to die." I glanced around, seeing the volleyball team and cheerleaders practicing.

Sierra sat on the stands, her attention on the volleyball team but every now and then she'd look my way. Of course there was some homework being done as well. Amanda and Blair both played volleyball and were currently practicing for a match.

"So, you're going out this weekend?" She asked between pants.

"Yup." I confirmed.

"On a date?"


"On a date with Sierra?"


"Does she know it's a date?"

"Yes!" I said loudly. "She knows it's a damn date." I lowered my voice.

Jacob slowed down. "But like, does she know it's a date?"

"Shut up." I hissed, speeding up my pace and leaving her behind.

Jacob caught up to me, breathless. "Because it's not a date if she doesn't know."

"She knows, now shut up." I sprinted off towards Sierra when I saw Dillon sitting next to her.

"But did you specify that it's an actual date?!" Jacob called but I didn't stop to answer.

By the time I ran across the field, Dillon had left and Sierra was back to watching the volloyball girls. I peeped at coach, seeing the woman busy talking to a fellow teacher.

I placed my hands on my knees, dramatically panting and huffing. "What did he want?" I asked my crush who eyed my actions with a bored expression.

"You're so dramatic for no reason."

I sat beside her. "Dillon, what did he want?"

She shrugged and packed up her stuff into her bag. "He asked me out."

"What?" I squeaked in a high unattractive tone. "Why would he do that? What did you say? You said no, right?"

"Why would I say no?" She easily replied. "I said I'd think about it." My crush stood and started to walk down the stands.

I followed with a frown. "Think about what? You're going out with me."

"Yeah, but those aren't real dates. I am allowed to see someone, Mira." She spoke as she walked ahead.

"No, you can't." I blurted out.

Sierra paused her steps and slowly turned to me. "I can't?"

My widened eyes returned to their normal size. "Yes. I mean, no. I mean, you can't go out with someone else?" I asked more than told.

"Why not?" She made two steps forward.

I glanced at coach Donovan again before looking down at Sierra, heartbeat in my ears now. "B-because, I need all your attention on me. You need to help me, which means no dating other people."

"And that's why I can't date?"

"Yup, that's why." I gave a nod.

Sierra stared up at me, not saying anything just making me squirm with her death glare. "I'm going to drama club. Blair's giving me and Amanda a ride home so no need to wait."

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