Chapter Twenty Three

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I tossed my basketball up in the air and caught it. Sierra and I had been distant lately, ever since our kiss on New Year's night. It hadn't been discussed but I felt it. I tried to believe it wasn't me, that we weren't being awkward because of that kiss. In fact, I did believe it wasn't because of our kiss.

I knew she was being too happy that night. Her first Christmas and New Year's without Raphael. I saw the hurt behind the smile and pain beneath the laughter. She acted well for others but I knew my best friend. She'd been hurting that entire night.

Sierra had been busy handling family drama since school started again while I've been trying to sleep without having a nightmare. This would be the first time since our friendship began that we weren't there for each other. The first time she wasn't the one holding my hand or I wasn't the one listening to her pour her heart out.

A girl on the team had invited me to a party tonight and I wanted to refuse, but I was also trying to branch out more. The entire basketball team would be attending so I forced my unwilling body to get up. Sleep would be torment either way. I threw on a decent shirt and jeans, grabbing my blue bomber jacket and converse. Keys in hand, I headed out after informing my parents. I was warned not to drink and drive which I already knew.

I pulled up to a packed house with blaring music fifteen minutes later. My shy self took a deep breath in and got out of the car and up to the house. I met up with my teammates but refrained from drinking. Or at least I tried to. Marlow, one of the seniors set a drink in my hand, telling me to 'live a little.'

With eyes on me, I looked over to Jacob to see her with some girl from our class. She was already tipsy and failing at seducing the girl. Marlow and some of the other seniors were staring at me, waiting for my move. I figured one drink wouldn't hurt so I gulped it down in one go. The night went on but I didn't take another drink. Yet, somehow, I blacked out.

The next morning I woke up in someone's bed. I woke up naked and not alone in a foreign bed. I scrambled off of the bed and fell to the ground. With shaking limbs, I stood and stared at the naked back of a brunette. I couldn't see her face so I had absolutely no idea who she was. My eyes narrowed in on a small butterfly tattoo at the middle of her back, slowly I backed away.

I fumbled around for my discarded clothes and managed to pull on my boxers when the door opened. My back hit the wall in fright, my body still shook in fear. Marlow stood with wide eyes as she took in the scene.

"Damn, Matthews. I only slipped you a little something to get you to lighten up, but you sure had fun." She smirked at me.

I swallowed down my tears and got dressed, bolting out of there. Marlow followed behind me but I paid no attention to her. I did get into trouble for staying out that night, but I kept the details to myself. That same week the news spread like wildfire through Crestveiw high. Everyone knew 'little Matthrews' got drunk and fucked a random girl, though the girl remained a mystery.

Sierra never asked a question and I never said anything. Slowly, we got back into our usual friendly routine of being there for each other. Though, there was this strain. My heart plummeted when my crush started to date Josh, a guy on the swim team. Soon after, I figured why not have some fun of my own. I'd already lost the thing I wanted to give to Sierra and she had no interest in me.

Girls seemed drawn to me after finding out I was intersex. The first girl came, then a second and a third. It just kept happening from then on. Sierra broke up with Josh after a few months but then Erik came along. I decided not to care. At least I still had my best friend.

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