Chapter Seven

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I held Jessie's hand as she stood on my skateboard rolling down the sidewalk. We were slowly making our way to the park, our dog Scooter following us. He and all the other family dogs just came back from a dog camp aunt River takes them to. The great Dane circled us a few times before strolling behind.

"You had another nightmare last night." The ten year old spoke quietly, almost afraid to say the words.

I kept my eyes ahead or watched where she rolled. "I'm sorry, I keep scaring you."

"I don't get scared for me, I get scared for you."

"They're just dreams, Jess. And last night wasn't so bad." I lied. This one consisted of me waking up in a hospital bed screaming in pain.

She stepped off the skateboard and picked it up. "They don't sound like just dreams. Sometimes..."

"Sometimes what?" I draped an arm over her shoulder.

"Sometimes I'm scared you're actually dying. It's terrifying." She stopped and looked up to me, big brown eyes pleading. "I don't want to lose anyone else."

I pushed a lock of blonde hair behind her ear and bent down. "You won't lose me. They're only dreams and when I wake up they no longer exist. Alright?"

"Okay. I decided to learn Russian." She seemed to perk up and resumed walking.

"Oh, yeah? That's great, your birth parents would be proud."

"You think moms will be disappointed?" Again her tone lowered.

"No, moms would absolutely love that you want to. You don't have to choose, Jess. You are allowed to still talk and think about your parents. I think this is an amazing thing, learning your mother language." I whistled for Scooter to come to me and took Jessie's hand. We crossed the street and entered the park before I added. "Maybe talk to moms and you'll see for yourself."

"I'll do that. And Sierra says you're only book smart." She shook her head with a mischievous smile. "But here you are giving me big sister advise."

"She said what?"

But Jessie shoved the skateboard at me and ran off with Scooter. I stayed on the walkway, doing some tricks and keeping an eye on my little sister and dog. Sierra said she'd meet us here but she was late.

Jessie played fetch with Scooter, her laughter and his barking loudest in the park. There weren't a lot of people around, being midday. In the middle of practicing my ollie, I noticed an approaching head of hair.

I came to a stop, popping the nose of my board before sliding my foot underneath and kicking it up. My hand caught it as I turned to Sierra. "You're late. Do you know how long I've been waiting? Like, seven minutes now. Did you tell Jessie I'm only book smart?"

"Yes, and that you lack common sense. It's only a few minutes, lay off." She grumbled but instantly, I noticed the red cheeks and puffy eyes.

"What's wrong? Were you crying?" I took a peek at Jessie and Scooter before moving to the bench Sierra sat on. "Who made you cry?" I touched her cheeks where I saw the remnants of tears, needles stabbing at my heart.

Her head shook, the curtain of hair framing her face dancing around. "My um, my dad..." Sierra swallowed and I drew her to me.

"What did he do?" I whispered, afraid of what the answer would be.

"He didn't do anything." A sniff as she snuggled closer. "He just, we had a fight."

"A fight? About what?" I flitted my eyes across her achingly beautiful but hurt features when she moved away from my chest.

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