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A cry startled me and I hurriedly dried my hands, rushing back to the bedroom to see a crying Mira.

"Hey, hey, I'm right here." I whispered, flicking on the lights and crawling into bed with her. "Wake up, cielo."

She whimpered while I pulled her to me, whispering soothing words as she calmed down from the nightmare. Mira snuggled her face in my chest, but I knew she was waking up.

Arms wrapped around each other, we stayed like that for a while. The crying was gone, and she only snuggled closer. One hand swept her hair away from her sticky forehead, my lips skimming along her skin. Slowly, blue eyes met mine with a frown on her face.

"What?" I frowned back.

"Where were you?" Her groggy voice asked.

I lifted a brow at her change in mood. "Bathroom."

"Could've held it."

"I don't think my bladder would agree."

"Whatever." She mumbled and pushed her face back into my chest.

I rolled my and allowed the big baby I called my girlfriend to be cuddled a bit longer. When Mira finally decided to wake up, we both did our morning routines before going to our small kitchen.

After my second year and her first year of college, we decided to get our own apartment together. It wasn't big by any means, but it gave us privacy and freedom. It was close to campus and our part time jobs, both wins for us.

"What do you want?" Mira asked through a yawn.

I looked at her half awake state and smirked. "You're going to make us breakfast?"

She nodded. "Uh huh. Breakfast. Imma make breakfast for us. I'm a good girlfriend." She held the counter as her body swayed.

I walked to my girlfriend and cupped her face, bringing her down for a kiss. "I'll make it. Go lay down, mi amor."

"Okay." Mira mumbled and stumbled over to our couch, falling face down in the cushions.

I prepared a quick breakfast for us and we ate in silence on the couch. Mira kept nodding off and I had to get her back in bed for a nap. Nightmares didn't come often anymore, but when they did it was horrible. We got lucky with it being the weekend and not having any plans to leave the apartment during the day.

I busied myself with assignments that were due soon while she rested, checking in on her to ensure everything was okay. Two hours into quietly working, I heard a bang behind me.

"I'm not sleepy anymore, let's get nasty." Mira said as she sat up in bed.

I narrowed my eyes on the broken clock on the floor. "Did you just break my alarm clock?"

Blue eyes flickered from me to the pieces, then back to me. "It was a nuisance anyway."

"You're buying it back." I scowled and turned back to my work.

"Yes, your highness." She mumbled then perked up. "Sex, cuddle bear?"

I spinned the desk chair to face her, tapping my pen to my cheek. "We agreed to be productive today. Catch up on work."

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