Chapter Thirty Six

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My hand reached forward for the plate of French fries, my tongue peeking out of the corner of my lips. My moms and aunts were all in deep conversation, completely oblivious of my struggle. I was trying not fall off my seat and I couldn't lean over the counter properly.

We spent the morning with aunt River going through my accident case. The guy who ran into us was twenty five and simply decided to break the traffic light due to the lack of cars. He was going full speed with his girlfriend in the passenger seat, the young girl died on impact. One simple choice ruined my basketball career, almost cost us Jessie and killed a girl's life. The guy would now spend years in prison and living with guilt.

"Ow ow ow." I mumbled as I felt the strain on my leg, still stretching for the salty food. I was so close when the French fries were lifted. "No no no." I whined.

Ava laughed at my pain and placed it before me. "I see that appetite is back."

I licked my lips and shoved three into my mouth. "No body fed me in like two hours. Where's Jess?" I spoke as I chewed.

My big sister sat next to me and stole some of my fries. "With Kaiden and Sadie. How's the leg?"

"Stop eating my food. It hurts but I can take it." I sipped on my milkshake.

"This is my food that you never pay for, Lily." She scoffed. "Do you need money for anything?"

I looked over to where my moms, aunt Kailee and aunt River sat. "No, but I want a burger. No," I lifted a finger. "I want a burger and a favor."

"Done." She ordered my burger from the waitress and turned back to me. "What's the favor?"

I rubbed my hands together and lowered my voice. "I have a plan to win Sierra's heart back."

Ava frowned in confusion. "You guys broke up?"

"What? No." I rushed out. "Well, I tried to because I thought it was the right thing to do, but then Sierra said no. But then she told me we are broken up but she's telling everyone else we're together. So, I'm kinda hoping she's just so pissed at me that she's trying to make me suffer which is working by the way. But we're not broken up and I just have to make her happy again." I breathed out then drank my milkshake. "That made me thirsty."

Ava silently watched me, chin in her palm. "I think you probably took after dad. Definitely not mom."

"I dunno, I was four. Focus, Ava. I'm talking about Sierra." I looked for the waitress. "Where's my food?"

"The favor. What's the favor, you weird weird human?" My sister sighed.

"Oh!" I said a little too loudly and Ava winced. "I thought about asking Rilee since she is the owner, but she and Quinny are busy preparing for the new baby. I wanna maybe, possibly borrow the art gallery for a dance." I smiled sheepishly.

Ava stared at me with a lifted brow. "You want to use our art gallery to have a dance?"

I nodded, smile still on. "Okay, not the actual gallery since I know there's stuff that cost more than I do in there. The second floor where you do photoshoots? Please, Ava. She's really mad at me and it hurts. She won't listen when I apologise and I have been begging."

Ava groaned and I could see her caving. "Why a dance?"

"We were suppose to go the sweethearts dance, but then the accident happened. I wanna have a private one for her with just our friends." I explained.

Ava puffed out some air. "Fine. I'll talk to Sadie since she's in charge while Rilee is on leave. No promises."

I pouted at my big sister. "Can't you kindly put in a good word for your baby sister? She's your girlfriend."

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