Chapter Twenty Five

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"You missed our stop." Sierra casually mentioned.

I tried to look back. "No, I didn't."

"Don't turn around, idiot. And you did." She panicked when I wasn't looking at the road.

"Huh, I did." I turned Quinn's truck around and pulled up at the store. "Wait here." I told Sierra but of course, she didn't listen.

We got out and Sierra reached for my hand, lacing our fingers as we went into the store. I started to pick up stuff randomly for us to eat while she got us drinks.

"Can I get the double stuffed ones?" I held up the Oreos.

Sierra glanced over her shoulder. "Why are you asking? Get them if you want."

"Well, because you're paying. I forgot my wallet. So?" I gave hopeful eyes.

Sierra groaned. "Fine. I swear your eating alone takes up weeks of tutoring."

"I like to eat." I put the Oreos in the basket.

"You've been wasting time eating the wrong thing." My girlfriend muttered as she walked to the register.

I stumbled when her words sunk in. I stared wide eyed at the shorter girl as she placed our stuff on the counter. Sierra took the basket and emptied it, waiting for the total and paying. She held her hand out and I silently took it, using my free hand to get the bags. Still in a daze, I dumped everything in the backseat of the truck and got in.

"Did I break you?" My crush teased.

"Huh?" I blinked and kept my eyes forward. "I uh, I just realised something."

Sierra propped her elbow on the window before leaning her head on her fist, eyes on me. "What did you realise, cariño?"

I settled my gaze on her, eyes flicking down her body. She wore shorts and one of my hoodies she stole, but Sierra still looked beautiful and edible.

"Nothing." I cleared my throat. "Ready?"

The honey eyed girl smirked as if she read my thoughts. "Mhm, ready."

I drove to the lookout and parked with the bed of the truck facing the view. Sierra walked closer to the edge and gazed down at Crestville while I arranged our spot. Fixing the air mattress, I spread the sheets and placed two pillows on there. I emptied the bags of goodies and rested the drinks to the side.

"I'm done. Look how good I did." I gestured to the set up proudly.

"Very good." Sierra kissed my cheek and lifted herself up.

I followed behind after she got comfortable. I poured the small milk we bought into a cup and opened my pack of Oreos. I dipped one in and ate it, catching Sierra watching me. I dipped another and offered it to her to which she shook her head.

"Eat it. Pwetty pwease?" I pouted my lips.

I fed us both until we felt full. Sierra had gotten back up to look at the view again, so I carefully walked up behind her. Using Sierra as my barrier, I peeped over her to see how far down it went. The sun had set and the town lights were now more prominent, the moon illuminating the sky. I swayed when I got dizzy and drew Sierra back.

"It's high. Real fucking high." I mumbled with my arms around her.

Sierra leaned into me. "Then don't look."

"You're looking." I buried my face in her neck. "How do you always smell so good?"

"I'm not the one afraid of heights and it's called a shower."

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