Chapter Thirty One

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"Love hurts, love scars. Love wounds and marks, any heart." Hugging my pillow to my chest, I dramatically belted out the words. "Not tough or strong enough to take a lot of pain, take a lot of pain." I breathed in and continued. "Love it like a cloud. Holds a lot of rain. Love hurts. Ooh, Ooh, love hurts."

"Are you done being a baby?" My crush asked from where she got changed.

I shook my head negatively. "I'm young, I know, but even so I know a thing or two. I learned from you. I really learned a lot, really learned a lot. Love is like a flame, it's burns you when it's hot. Love hur-"

Sierra's hand clasped over my mouth, eyes amused but also a teeny bit frustrated with me. "That's enough. I'll be gone for a couple of hours, you'll survive."

I removed her hand and held it. "Why can't I come too?"

"You can't see my dress, Mira." She sighed and went back to what she was doing.

"I can close my eyes." I laid on my tummy and stared at her like a creep.

"Why don't you call up, Ivy?" She suggested as she pulled up her jeans over her ass. I think I drooled.

I wiped the sides of my mouth. "She's with her family."

Sierra glanced over her shoulder, about to brush her hair. "Don't you have to get Jessie?"

"Yeah, but that's another couple of hours away. Your butt's bigger." I eyed her ass and licked my lips.

I love it.

Sierra turned with a scowl. "Are fucking calling me fat?"

I gasped and vehemently shook my head in denial. "Nope, nuh uh. You're a skrunny thing."

"Oh, so now I'm a stick?" She placed her hand on her hip, the other trying to strangle the brush she was previously using.

I scratched my head in thought. "I'm so confused. I like big butts and I cannot lie. You-"

"Oh, for fuck's sake. Enough with the singing." She groaned.

I sat up and pouted. "You don't sing anymore." I whispered and sighed sadly.

Sierra's expression softened. "What?"

"You used to sing a lot. When you're doing school work or writing in your journal or anything really. You'd sing quietly but I could still hear you. You don't anymore." I dramatically stuck my bottom lip not and gazed up at her.

"Oh. I guess I don't." She mumbled.

"Why?" I asked and held my hand out.

She took it and allowed me to pulled her down next to me. "I'm not sure, mi vida. I just have a lot on my mind with college and stuff. My parents." Then a smile broke free. "I can't wait to leave with you."

I returned her smile. "Me too, my cuddle bear."

My crush chuckled and pressed her mouth to mine. I responded to the soft kiss, gliding my tongue over there bottom lip. Sierra let my tongue meet hers briefly before pulling back.

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