Chapter Thirty Five

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"Need anything else, Jess?" I asked the little girl after I checked the picture Ivy sent me of Mira.

She laid on the couch all tucked in with her plush and a giant teddy her moms got her. Both her and Mira have been home for a few days now. Mira had gotten her head out her ass and started physical therapy. At least that's what I've been told. Her moms or Ivy would take her and Ivy related it back to me. My anger directed at her hadn't subsided and I made sure to stay away.

Jessie shook her head without removing her eyes from the television. I went back into the kitchen and did the dishes from the meal I made her. I was almost done when the front door opened and closed. Distant voices was heard before footsteps came closer.

"Hey, hon." Cameron greeted. "How was she?"

I turned and leaned against the sink, drying my hands with a wash cloth. "She's fine. I got her to play for a while."

Cam smiled a little but she seemed tired. "How are you doing, Sierra?"

I blinked and gathered my thoughts. "I'm good. Happy they're both okay."

The shorter woman smirked. "And you and Miranda? You two still fighting?"

My jaw dropped, unable to respond. This was my girlfriend's mom, I currently lived in their house. Though I offered money from tutoring, Mira's moms refused. I couldn't tell Cam I was avoiding her daughter because she was a complete idiot and acted like an asshole. I'd thought about going back home, but I never wanted to step foot in there again.

"Well, we're not.....she tried to break up with me." I admitted in a mumble, eyes darting to the floor.

"Ah. That's why she's been so sulky that you're not around and why you look like that." She motioned to my face.

I forced a smile. "I'm just giving her some space."

Cam fumbled through her bag when her phone went off. "One thing I do know about that girl, is how crazy she is about you. A bit of advice, don't take what she said seriously. She was probably just hopped up on pain meds and not thinking clearly. Not that I'm defending her." She spoke while replying to her text. "Miranda definitely needs to apologise, but she's also right about one thing."

"What's that?" I asked quietly.

Placing her phone aside, Cam locked eyes with me. "You have to go to college. Giving up your scholarship and future is not it, not for anyone. Not even for her. No matter what happens between you and my daughter, just know you always have a home here with us."

My heart jumped at her words and I felt tears sting my eyes. "Thank you, Cam."

"Anytime. But seriously, throw away the idea about not going." She gave me a pointed look and left.

Standing there alone, I suddenly felt like my body had no energy left. Going back to the living room, I got in beside Jessie who scooted around. I wrapped my arms around the child's small frame and watched her favourite cartoons with her.


Throughout my entire session with the physical therapist, I kept looking at the door. I knew she wasn't coming but I still hoped she would. At the end of my therapy, Jacob helped me with my crutches right before clicking a picture of me.

"Dude, why?" I frowned at my friend.

"Recovery process." She shrugged with an innocent smile.

I limped my way out with Jacob walking slowly beside me. She helped me into her car and got in the driver's seat. I slumped down in my seat as my mind drifted to Sierra.

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