Chapter Thirty Nine

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Folding the piece of clothing neatly, I placed it in the opened suitcase. I reached for a bomber jacket that used to belong to me and put it in with the rest of my clothes that were taken away. Boxes were spread all over her bedroom, most were already filled and some not. We'd taken all her possessions from her parents house and those stayed packed while I helped with the rest.

"Babe, stop doing that." I whined when she kept taking out her clothes from the suitcase.

"I'm not going." Sierra huffed and turned over the suitcase, emptying it's contents on the floor.

I ran a hand over my face, choosing to not comment and kept on with my task. "Seriously?" I turned to her when something hit the back of my head.

My glare ceased when I saw her face, sad and pouty as she kneeled on her bed. "Stop packing my stuff."

Kneeling in front of her with my right knee as my left dangled off the bed, I placed my forehead on hers and closed my eyes. "We have to. You want to spend this last week with our friends before they leave, don't you?" I felt her nod against me. "Good. We have to leave early in the morning for our trip. Let's finish this and I'll make you quesadillas after."

"Okay." She whispered with a sniff.

The months flew by and Sierra's departure date was less than two weeks away. Blair would be leaving next week, followed by Amanda a few days later and then Jacob. Sierra's flight was the very next day. I was trying to be strong and stay positive, but all my friends and my girl would be leaving me. In two weeks, I'd still be here and they'd be starting the next chapter of their lives.

I had moments where I thought about being selfish. To hold onto my crush and tell her to stay with me, but couldn't. There was no need for both of our dreams to be on pause. I loved her too much and no amount of times she yelled at me in Spanish could make me cave in. Her sexy ass was leaving to start her life.

"I love you." I murmured.

"If you love me, stop trying to make me leave." She hugged my torso, climbing herself on me.

I groaned softly and adjusted us to sit, Sierra clinging onto my body with her legs and arms. Sighing, I decided not to respond. We'd had this conversation too many times in the past months. A couple fights that we both knew were only due to stress and some fear.

"It's only one year." I tried to say positively.

"A lot can happen in a year." She countered with her usual attitude followed by something in Spanish. I now knew it was a curse word, since I started learning.

I tightened my hold on her. "Doesn't matter what happens in that year, I'll still be right next to you when it's over. I promise."

A heard a sigh from my Sierra. "You never break your promises to me."

"Then you know I mean it."

Sierra moved to see me. "You won't find another girl and fall in love while I'm gone?"

"Never." I smiled, trying not to laugh at the ridiculous question. No one existed for me but her.

"We'll text everyday and we'll call and FaceTime?" A pout and teary eyes.

"Until you get tired of me."

"Who's gonna keep your nightmares away?"

I pointed to my pillow that had a t-shirt of hers on it. "Proxy Sierra will have to do until I see you on holidays or weekend trips."

"What about cuddles?" She went on, honey eyes staring into my blue ones.

I laughed quietly and shook my head. "I'll ask Jessie and if not, I have a niece who's crazy about me." I referred to baby Raina Summer Matthews, our newest member.

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