Chapter 2

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TW: Mentions of rape, drug, and child abuse.

A/n: There will be a lot of time skips but hopefully it makes sense. This chapter is the flashback of memories through Lizzie's eyes.

Word Count: 6585

Lizzie's POV

Dec 2003

I eagerly pulled open the wooden hospital door, grinning ear to ear because this would be the day that I finally got to meet my goddaughter. I had convinced my Dad to drop me off before Courtney's sports game so that I could hang out with Kayli as long as possible. This pregnancy had been really hard on Kayli and not only because she is so young but also because the baby is a product of a horrible night.

"Hey, Lizard," the blonde chuckled as she sat up in the bed.

"No need to start with the insults already," I laughed scanning the room for the baby that I was eager to meet.

"She's getting check out, they'll be back in a moment," Kayli said obviously taking note of my confused expression.

"Okay," I breathed out as I moved to sit by her hospital bed. After a few moments of comfortable silence, I spoke up asking "has your dad been in to see her yet?"

"Yes, he came and held her and told me how much she looked like me," Kayli smiled brightly.

"So she'll be an exact replica of you?" I grinned.

"I wish," she laughed a little before her smile quickly turned into what I could only classify as a heartbroken expression.

"Hey," I spoke softly as I stood up to pull her into a tight hug,  "it's going to be okay."

"I know," she whispered sadly into my ear as I wrapped my arms around her.

"It's going to be okay, you're going to be a great mother and your daughter is going to be perfect," I assured her before pulling away to meet her sad gaze.

"She has his hair, and what-what if she resembles him more instead of me?" Kayli whimpered as her eyes began to pool with tears. I knew exactly what she was thinking of that one night. Memories or rather the nightmares of that night, that one night will never leave us. It was the night that scarred us forever, her much more than me. I still remembered that feeling as I nervously searched for her, only to find her being raped by a man nearly twice our age.

"I don't know, but I do know that whatever she looks like, she'll be loved and cared for because she'll have you," I said carefully, trying my best to cheer her up. This was nothing that we had ever prepared for. Nowhere in my fourteen short years had I ever been taught how to piece your best friend back together after she gets pregnant from her rapist.

Before she could say anything, the door opened and in came a nurse with Kayli's baby in tow. "Good morning ladies," the nurse smiled as she pushed the small crib close to the hospital bed.

"How'd she do?" Kayli asked wiping the tears out of her eyes. I watched in awe as she switched from this scared, timid teenager to mother mode.

"She did great, she's gaining weight and passed all the tests. I think Dr. Montgomery will be in soon to talk about discharging you both sometime today," the nurse replied with a sweet smile.

"Okay," Kayli responded with a tinge of fear in her voice.

"I'll be back to check in a few hours, is there anything I can do for you?" the nurse asked as she began to make her way to the door.

"Nope, I'm all good," Kayli said before the lady left leaving us alone with the newborn. I walked around the hospital bed to get a better view of the small child. She had tufts of brunette hair as Kayli had described, but the rest of her features seemed to resemble her mother's. Although her eyes were lightly colored, I knew that all newborns had blue eyes and they still might change.

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