Chapter 41

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Word Count: 4551

Nobody's POV

To say last night was a lot would be an understatement. Both sides of our favorite Olsen duo were hurting. Both drowning in their overthinking thoughts as they tried their best to sleep after a day that seemed to drag on forever.

When Lizzie left her sisters' office building, she was eagerly greeted by her fiance who was waiting out front to drive them to a last-minute couples counseling session. It was essentially an olive branch effort, Lizzie was still quite mad after last night and Boyd felt he had every right to express his feelings in that way. This was simply a match waiting to fall apart. But they didn't know that and they surely didn't hope that.

Upon arriving at the quaint office Lizzie followed Boyd timidly through the door and up the elevator to the office of Dr. Sophia Bartley. The quiet couple was given a few forms to fill out before being called back. Lizzie took a seat on one side of the couch and Boyd on the other while Dr. Bartley introduced herself telling them to call her Sophia. She then went ahead with the session trying to get through as much as possible in the ninety minutes they had scheduled with her. There was way too much to unpack and as soon as Boyd started to explain the Alexis situation, Lizzie snapped. She felt like he was talking about her as if she was disposable in their lives, in Lizzie's life. Sophia did her best to calm the bickering couple and after some heated moments, things started to die down as the tension in the air rose. She proceeded to talk to them on an individual level asking about how their met and how their relationship has been pre-Alexis before comparing their relationship to current times, or as Boyd described Post-Alexis. They were actually starting to make some progress, both trying to right their wrongs. There is a lot of history between the couple, it has been nearly three years and that isn't something that one can throw away at the drop of a hat. Soon their ninety minutes were up and Sophia was giving them homework to hopefully help soothe things between the couple before they depart from the city. Sophia asked them to separately write a list of goals or dreams that they have for the future, or as she put it write what they want your future to be like, and in a couple of days when they both have time, to share them with each other.

The couple agreed easily both still thinking that today was their sliver of hope that this may work out. Things may still be cloudy but that hope was still there and that was enough for now. Post-therapy session Boyd drove to their favorite restaurant hoping to make his last night in the city a memorable one. Lizzie talked about her day with Alexis while Boyd shared some funny moments that happened at work today. Both were trying their hardest to keep the peace, no snide comments, no pushy questions, and absolutely no angry looks. The last two were especially hard because both were eager to bring up their counseling session and last night, but again they were hesitant to destroy this singular moment of peace that they had finally found.

Towards the end of the meal, Lizzie got up to go to the restroom leaving her belongings on the table with Boyd who was paying the bill. Her phone was just barely sitting in the outside pocket of her purse and worse it was ringing profusely now. Boyd reached down to pick it up so that Lizzie wouldn't miss the call but when he saw it was Lizzie's sister ringing he hit ignore and continued to switch Lizzie's phone into airplane mode so they wouldn't be disturbed by them for the rest of the night. He hurried to delete the recent call history, easily knowing his fiance's passcode to be some date in December. He had just placed the phone back in her purse when she walked out of the bathroom.

The couple headed back to Brooklyn seeing as Lizzie's sisters hadn't called to warrant Lizzie needing to go back. She still felt terrible about how she left Alexis, but she really needed to go, they couldn't be late. She had spent too much extra time chatting with the twins and then Boyd called and he was out front to go to their appointment. One thing led to another and all she knew is that when she saw Alexis tomorrow she would have a lot of explaining to do.

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