Word Count: 3513Lizzie's POV
We were laying in my bed the next day watching a random Disney movie. Since Alexis hasn't been able to keep barely anything down and her fever still hasn't broken, it had been a long morning for us both. Last night was also a rough time for us both, she woke up in the middle of the night and accidentally threw up on her bed, unable to make it to the bathroom in time. I should've moved the trash can closer but I forgot, I was just so focused on trying to get her back to sleep. She barely got more than a few hours last night, she spent a lot of it tossing and turning trying her get comfortable with her stuffy nose, aching stomach, and overall icky feeling.
The good news is that she did finally let me wash her Pooh bear. I swear she's more attached to that thing now than when she was little. There was a bit of throw-up on the small bear since he is normally close to her face when she sleeps, but thankfully she didn't get any on me. I mean I love her wholeheartedly but getting thrown upon is still something I'm not looking to relive.
We spent most of the morning laying in my bed, just resting. I made her some breakfast and stuff like that but most of it was spent just like this side by side. One would think that sleep would come easily to her, especially in this state but nope. She looks so tired but with every yawn she readjusts, pushing herself to stay awake.
"Close your eyes, babe," I suggested when she shifted her body lay on her side.
She shook her head no in response as she snuggled into my side. "I promise it'll help, maybe even break your fever," I tried.
"No," she replied shortly.
"Okay but this is our last movie cause it's your nap time," I decided after glancing at the clock.
"Already?" She sat up in disbelief. In all fairness, she has spent the majority of the day and last night either in the bathroom or in bed.
"Yeah, it'll be about one when this movie finishes," I informed her.
"Oh," she is all she replied with.
"Yup, my little heater, it's been a long day for us. I think I'll even join you for a nap," I added with a dramatic yawn, hoping it will help her feel more at ease to nap.
"Oh, I'm not tired though," she informed me, laying back down, but her droopy eyes told a completely different story.
"Well we're both gonna try, neither of us got much sleep last night and sleep is good for your recovery," I explained glancing down at her to try and catch her reaction.
"I don't want to," she whined weakly.
"I know but it'll be really, really good for you," I said moving the hair out of her face before I caressed her head a few times.
"No, I don't wanna sleep," she complained stubbornly.
"Sweetheart, you've got to, not right now but soon," I told her gently.
"Not now, not ever," she huffed quietly. I chose to ignore it, seeing as she was getting more and more upset about such a little thing.
When the movie ended, I flipped off the tv and pull the light covers over us. The room was already pretty dark with the blinds shut and lights off. "Goodnight miss Alexis," I turned on my side to face her.
"I'm not tired right now, so while you take a nap, can I do something else?"
"Let's just try for a little and if you don't fall asleep in thirty minutes, we can both do something else," I compromised.
"Fine," she conceded.
"Thank you," I flashed her a gracious smile, "I love you," I added on in a playful tone.

Always Okay | (Adopted By Elizabeth Olsen)
Fanfiction"All I needed was you....but you left me" ~Alexis Chase Olsen "Giving you up was the hardest thing that I ever had to do but it wasn't my decision" ~ Elizabeth Olsen ------ I'm not great at writing these so instead here's an excerpt from the first...