Chapter 57

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Hello! Sorry for the long wait, life has been crazy in every possible way. Also I didn't proofread so apologizes in advance.

Word Count: 5239

Alexis's POV

After Easter, tensions were still a little high between the cast and myself, but Sebastian and I were okay and the rest were working their way back to a better standing. I know they didn't mean it but I still felt a little uneasy. Lizzie had to work through our normal lunchtime, so I took it as an opportunity to push back my schedule. She probably won't be happy but she also won't know.

I recently looked up naptime in middle school and was met with a very rude google search answers, which only made me feel worse. There is no nap time in middle school and naps are not normal for a child of my age. And that was just the beginning of my research. There are so many things I never knew about in-person school. The more I researched the more anxious about going to in-person school I was, which might I add, starts late next week.

"AC, are you excited for school next week?" Anthony asked loudly, interrupting my thoughts, after swallowing a bit of his wrap.

"Um yeah."

"First day of school jitters?" Sebastian asked. I already told him I didn't know if I wanted to go so he was trying to help but I still felt like I was a lost cause. I'm so behind in literally every aspect of life but the actual learning part. 

"Kind of," I mumbled.

"Schools a great place, there's a lot of friends and parti-learning and fun," Anthony quickly switched gears.

"I guess," I shrugged. The faster the day approached the more nervous I got. I just didn't want to keep talking about it all the time. 

"School is really fun I promise, you'll have friends and cool teachers and fun classes, you'll love it," Anthony emphasized, obviously oblivious to the lack of good human relationships I actually have.

"It's also okay to be nervous also. School can be scary, I know I was very nervous for my first day of school every single year," Aunt Scarlett added into the conversation, I have no idea where she came from. I thought she had a costume fitting. Anthony was just lonely, I think that's how he ended up here.

"Really?" I asked trying to see just how honest she was.

"Yup, every year there was something new I was nervous about,"  Aunt Scarlett explained.

"Like what?" I prompted.

"Like everything, so it's completely fine if you're nervous too," Aunt Scarlett answered. That was very unhelpful and all of my research has just led me to be more and more jittery and anxious.

I think I might even have separation anxiety at this point or at least that's what the internet told me when I asked what to do when you don't want to leave your parent.

I am so scared to leave Lizzie. I have never met anyone without her being there or introducing me. What if something goes wrong and she's not there and then everyone picks on me, like those boys. She was there last time and people were still mean to me. So is there truly any safety in this world? I'm just so tired of fighting but sometimes I feel like that may be one of the most useful tactics I learned. Maybe that's how to survive middle school?

"Hey, eat your lunch so you can go lay down. I know you're tired," Sebastian nudged me.

"I'm not tired," I answered quickly dismissing him.

"Okay, I just thought you would want to rest after your classes," he pointed out which is true I usually do that because interacting with people is just so draining on me.

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