Chapter 26

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Word Count: 3786

Lizzie's POV

I can hear them arguing loudly outside as Alexis continues to whimper in my ear. Her cries have subsided from the moment but I know she's still hurting, I just can't tell why exactly.

"It's okay, I've got you," I whispered in her ear as she tightened her grip around me. It was starting to hurt but not so bad that I needed her to let go. I continued to rub her back as she held on to me tightly. My heart ached to know what was causing her this much pain but I didn't think now was a great time to ask. Her head was resting against my chest and I could feel her breath hitch every so often as she tried to calm down. 

"What kind of Aunts are you?" I heard Boyd shout before two voices started yelling back at him. Oh dear lord, I thought trying to think of ways to settle the fight since it was causing Alexis to get more and more worked up. She flinched with every scream or loud noise and I don't know how much more of it I could take. It was starting to break me as much as it was breaking her.

"Shh, shh, it's alright. You're safe, we're at Aunt Ashley's house, and I'm here with you," I reminded her hoping it'd help. The room was dark except for the light flooding through the cracked door and I would get up to shut it but Alexis's death grip on me says otherwise. 

"Please don't leave," she choked out when I shifted in the bed. 

"I promise, I'm not going anywhere," I told her as I ran my hand through her hair. 

Ashley's POV

"What kind of Aunts are you?" Boyd shouted at Mary-Kate and me. They were already bickering when I walked back down here but now it was a full-on screaming match. To be fair he started it, or at least I think he did. I'm not one hundred percent though, Mary-Kate likes to debate almost everything. Thankfully, I was able to put a wrist brace on before this whole mess broke out.

"Oh, so we're back to this shit again," MK screamed at him. 

"Yes, yes we are. Lizzie can't leave you guys alone, long enough to watch her for more than a few hours," Boyd shouted pointing his finger between the two of us. 

"She needed her mom," I defended.

"It's a nightmare, is she five?" Boyd rolled his eyes.

"No! She's an eleven-year-old who got out of captivity," MK deadpanned with an angry scowl. 

"Captivity my ass? If I was locked in a house with no responsibilities I'd have a party, she had a whole house to herself and all she had to do was go to school occasionally. That sounds like every kid's dream," he explained. His arrogance and intoxication were getting him in trouble. 

"Sure, Boyd. Yes, every kid's dream is to have an alcoholic, abusive kidnapper. That's what I always wanted when I was little, I just yearned to have someone beat the shit out of me," Mary-Kate complained dramatically as she held her hand over her heart. 

"That's not what I meant," he gritted. 

"That's sure as hell what it sounded like," MK shot back quickly. 

"I know she's struggled," he snarled as if we had forgotten. 

"You have no idea what she's been through," MK growled at him. 

"Then why won't anyone tell me," he exasperated. 

"Why would we tell you? So you can use it as ammunition in your next fight?" I pestered. 

"Yeah, cause a thoughtful guy like you would just love to see a little girl be torn to sheds," MK added as we both stared him down. 

"I don't get how I will ever be a father to her if you guys never tell me things or even let me near her," Boyd explained in a high-pitched voice. 

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