Chapter 12

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Word Count: 1694

Chris's POV

I walked out of my last interview ready to go home and take a long nap. Jeremy got un-mic-ed first, so he was already well on his way to the conference room when I pushed the door open. I took just a few steps out of the door and instantly ran into Alexis. I froze in my shoes, terrified of upsetting her or breaking one of the rules. Seeing her and Lizzie this morning made me want to do anything I could to make Alexis feel relaxed. As I looked down to scan her face, it looked almost as terrified as I felt. I quickly looked around the hall trying to find a lifeline. Lizzie said don't touch her, no sudden movements towards her, no cursing, and for us boys to not talk to her unless in pairs. I was currently breaking a majority of the rules. 

Soon my eyes found Scarlett's as she and Mark stepped out into the hall. They must have recently finished their last interview. Thankfully Scarless easily recognized my fearful nature and quickly approached us, "Hey Alexis, what are you doing out here?" she said in a calm voice.

Alexis didn't look up at either of us, her shoes seeming much more important. Scarlett gave a what the hell did you do look and all I could do was shrug. I didn't know and neither of us could see Lizzie close by which meant that Alexis was wandering around on her own. "Alexis?" Scarlett asked again in a softer tone. 

"Oh god, I messed up," a small voice whispered, "oh fuck fuck fuck." I couldn't help but stifle a laugh as I heard her start cursing under her breath.  She's only eleven but here she is cursing like a troubled adult. 

"I can take you back to Lizzie?" Scarlett asked gently causing Alexis to finally raise her head and acknowledge both out presences. 

"No, it's okay," she mumbled, "I just have to go to the bathroom." She insisted, but regardless of the tone of her voice, her eyes told another story. 

"I do too, I'll go with you then," Scarlett smiled at the small girl. She nodded slowly as her eyes flicked back up at me. It was a strange expression, one that I couldn't quite place. Scarlett gingerly reached for Alexis's hand and pulled her away. The two walked side by side swinging their hands as they continued down the hall towards the bathroom. It made me happy to see Alexis beginning to trust someone that wasn't Lizzie. Alexis needs to know that there are good people in the world, ones that want to help her and take care of her. I don't know why she is so scared of me but I knew now was not the time to ask. She's still unfamiliar to me and to this world. 

Scarlett's POV

I walked side by side with Alexis towards the bathroom. I didn't have to go but I didn't want her to get lost or accidentally run into a crowd of crazed people. That would not go well. I was however surprised how easily she followed me and didn't try to run away when I took her hand. Lizzie told me that Alexis has often freaked out and accidentally kicked or elbowed her. 

Once we made it to the bathroom, I held the bathroom door open as I slowly walked inside. She quickly followed but paused once we were inside. I thought she had to go to the bathroom but her body language seemed to demonstrate that was the last thing she was thinking of. I rubbed my thumb over the back of her hand trying to comfort her in some way without forcing her into a hug. I felt her grip tighten around my hand as she stared down at the floor in a trance. 

"Well if you don't have to go why don't we sit?" I suggested motioning to the corner of the bathroom. I didn't really want to sit on the floor of the public restroom but I thought maybe sitting out help her to possibly open up and tell me why she was so scared of Chris. 

I led her over to the wall and pulled her to sit down next to me. Once we sat down, she let go of my hand and pulled her knees to her chest wrapping both her arms around her legs and resting her chin on top. The tears in her eyes were evident but she was quiet, deep in thought. I tried not to stare at her but I was curious to know what was going on inside her head and she didn't seem to be threatened or scared of me at the moment. 

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