Chapter 25

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Word Count: 3391

*TW: Nightmare with detailed physical abuse & allusions to other traumatic abuse (Skip Alexis's first POV section if you want to avoid)*

Lizzie's POV

We were walking into a local Brooklyn bar, just as my phone started ringing. It was Mary-Kate, which was a bit odd seeing as she was supposed to be with Olivier tonight but I answered it either way. 

"Lizzie?" Mary-Kate said as soon as I picked up. 

"What's up?" I asked still confused as to why she called. 

"It's Alexis," she blurted out. 

"What happened?" I asked as I started to pace walking towards the bathroom. 

"She had a nightmare and she won't let Ashley or I near her," Mary-Kate explained as my heartbeat began to pick up. 

"What is she doing now?" I interrupted. 

"She's shaking and crying, uncontrollably, and Ashley said she doesn't seem aware of her surroundings," Mary-Kate described frantically. I could tell by the unsteadiness of her voice, she's scared. I mean I would be too and I've watched this happen many times over. It's the worst though when she wakes up unaware of where she is and being in an unfamiliar room definitely didn't help the situation. 

"Okay, okay I'm on my way," I said quickly before hanging up and walking back out of the bathroom to find my fiance who was just casually ordering us drinks. "We need to go," I said tapping him on the shoulder. 

"Why what's up? We just got here," he said raising a confused eyebrow at me. 

"It's Alexis, we've gotta go," I said trying to usher him out the door. 

"But I just order our drinks," Boyd complained, with wide eyes. I was ready to kick him right there but didn't want to cause a scene. 

"Boyd! Let's go, I've gotta go," I said firmly as I dragged him towards the door by his arm. 

"Okay, okay, really though what's so wrong that Ashley can't handle it?" Boyd asked once we were out of the building and heading towards the car. 

"She had a nightmare and she needs me," I told him simply.

"A nightmare?" he questioned as if I haven't told him before. I have definitely mentioned this before. "And why does she need you?" he added like he was just trying to play stupid. 

"Because I'm her fucking mother," I yelled at him, stopping on the sidewalk, "Is it really not that obvious? My daughter is sad and wants me to be there to comfort her."

"I know I get that, I was just wondering why Ashley couldn't handle it herself?" Boyd said quietly but loud enough for me to hear. I picked up my pace, walking away because I couldn't deal with his petty attitude right now. I did have the car keys and right now I was starting to think there would be no harm in leaving him here. 

"Lizzie, Lizzie, wait, Lizzie," Boyd called after me. 

"Hurry up," I told him without bothering to turn around. 

"I'm sorry," he panted as he caught up with me. 

"Great," I rolled my eyes at him. 

"Can't your sisters deal with her for a little longer?" he asked making me stop in my tracks. 

"Are you serious right now?" I yelled at him. 

"Uh, maybe," he started, "no, no definitely not," he continued as I glared at him. "Lizzie," he said in a sweet tone as he tried to grab my arm.

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