**TW: Mentions and small depictions of rape and physical/sexual abuse**
Word Count: 4977
Alexis's POV
As soon as those last words left my mouth, I stood up from the stand, ripping off the various wires, not bothering to ask to be dismissed or anything. I walked straight out the door of the courtroom I felt numb as if I was on autopilot. I didn't know where I was going I just needed out, so I mindlessly followed the exit signs not caring what will happen to me if I got lost or even Josh for that matter.
I headed down a few flights of marble stairs avoiding the press that I knew was lurking around. Everything was abuzz with the Olsen twins at the courthouse today. Pushing open the last door to the outside world, I could hear my heart beating rapidly in my ears while my head throbbed and my mouth felt dry.
This claustrophobic feeling didn't stop as my head continued to spin with my vision blurring and my hearing zoning out. I hurried to the closest nearby trash can and proceeded to upheave the contents of my last meal, which wasn't much. This whole week has been hard.
I bet you're wondering how I ended up here or better yet how this crimal courtcase turned into a pyschoctic outbreak between myself and Josh. Let's rewind, shall we?
Last Friday the twins flew in after after school so they could be here during the courtcase. With Ms. J and Mr. David still hating me they elected to stay with us instead of their parents. I mean I would to, those people are so mean. They'd probably want Josh live freely, for my sake.
Saturday and Sunday we spent just hanging out, we even took a late night trip to the beach. Luckily the water was too cold, so that wasn't a worry. Monday everyone had work and I had school, so their brother came to 'babysit' me. I kind of secretly like that I'm never alone but I wasn't entirely fond of it being Trent. He was just so awkward like he was hiding something or didn't know how to interact with me. I bet he probably knows something, but I couldn't exactly figure out what it was. Lizzie doesn't seem particularly close with him but who know's maybe she is? It was a long five hours of mainly silence. He stayed in the living room and I stayed in Lizzie's room, since the twins had taken over my room for the time being.
Tuesday was pretty bland I did my school work while Lizzie worked from home, then she took me to therapy. It's okay. I don't really like talking about all the bad things, that usually induces my nightmares, so I try my best to steer the conversation to other things lighter, happier things. The week prior I tried to ask her questions about herself and she kept turning them back around to me. But this tuesday, we just colored and listened to music. She asked me a few questions but nothing too deep and I was okay with that. I'm worried for the day when Janet will ask about something more than what's my favorite color or animal, because while Lizzie knows somethings, there's still a tone she doesn't.
On Wednesady I went to my last zoom class of the week, because of the courtcase. It's a werid setting and I'm still unsure of how to act around other kids like am I supposed to be more cheery or soemthing.There is this one girl in my class and she's literally always smiling, like who is possibly that happy all the frickin time. Aunt MK said I should give her a chance but I'm think that it's werid to be so happy, but Aunt Ashley told me that sometimes people just like to smile. But whatever, they had a wonderful time trying to do my math homework, while I finished my english paper. As it turns out, math is not their strong suit, well at least pre-algrebra isn't. It was pretty funny watching them try to find the matrix solutions.
Thursday was yesterday, day one of the courtcase and it didn't go well. I wanted to talk to Josh before the courtcase because I was honestly curious to know what he was like now that I've been out in the real world, but as Trent put it, he wasn't being the best inmate and wasn't allowed visitors. I wasn't planning to testify, infact I wasn't even supposed to be in the room. We got up early, dressed nicely, and headed to the courthouse early in the morning. No one knew how word got out but press was waiting on the steps of the building as soon as we pulled up. Lizzie squeezed my hand tightly as she led me through the crowd. When we met her team inside, they informed us that someone had not only leaked my story but also that the Olsen family would be present, therefore adding to the media buzz. I guess I never realized how much the community did to try and find me. I always imagined it as I disappeared and no one cared. That's why no one ever found me, because they were never looking.

Always Okay | (Adopted By Elizabeth Olsen)
Fanfiction"All I needed was you....but you left me" ~Alexis Chase Olsen "Giving you up was the hardest thing that I ever had to do but it wasn't my decision" ~ Elizabeth Olsen ------ I'm not great at writing these so instead here's an excerpt from the first...