Word Count: 4005
(it had to be broken up - or else it would've been almost 8000 words and my wifi hates that)
Alexis's POV
"I got you, it's okay, I got you, just cough it up," a calm voice tried to soothe me when the air hit my skin once again.
"Sebastian, here, I've got a towel for her," Aunt Scarlett spoke next. I felt myself being lifted out of what is assuming was the pool as I continued to sob and cough up the water that was caught in my lungs.
"Lizzie! Lizzie!" I heard more shouting as I tried to gain control of my body movements. I needed the water out but more so I needed my Lizzie.
"What the hell did you guys do?" I heard Lizzie shout and I flinched at her harsh tone even if it wasn't directed at me. My eyes were still closed because I didn't feel comfortable opening them, but I knew everyone's attention was on me. Just like at Josh's, one must scan the area with all your senses before admitting you're conscious.
Multiple people broke out into explanations as I continued to notice just how much of a scene my minor drowning caused. The attention was unsettling and nerve-wracking. Sebastian must have noticed because he adjusted me slightly before I felt my body being lifted and passed off to other people. Oh goodness, I don't want a different person I just want my Lizzie and my space. At first, I tried to move away, I was unsure of who was taking me away. I knew Sebastian was okay but I wasn't sure who he would hand me off to.
"It's me, I've got you," Lizzie cooed in my ear and I stopped immediately, instead I tried to pull myself closer to her: my safety, my mama. "I've got you, you're safe, you're not in the water," Lizzie repeated firmly as I felt us moving away from the commotion.
"It's just you and me, we're in the house now. Can you breathe with me please?" Lizzie tried to console me after I felt us sit down somewhere.
I shakily took breaths with my eyes still closed until my breathing slowed and it was back to normal.
"Okay, good, now I need to see those pretty eyes. Can you look at me?" Lizzie asked quietly as she rubbed my back gently.
I slowly pulled myself away from her to properly open my eyes. I noticed her worried eyes first as she stared back at me. We held a stare for a few minutes until she asked first.
"Are you better now?"
"I think I wanna go home but you could maybe stay? I can be by myself, I know you like these much more than me," I admitted shyly after a brief pause.
"Are you sure, they are about to set up the egg hunt?" Lizzie countered.
"I just want to be away from the chaos," I answered, electing not to tell her about the boys. It's obvious that they didn't want me here in the first place, so why bother?
"How about we stay in here until you're ready then we can go back out?" Lizzie decided for us.
"Why can't I go home?" I asked confused why she wants me to stay here. People are mean and pushing people into pools - this is like a living nightmare for me.
"Cause I don't want you to be alone and I think you'll enjoy the second half of the day."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive."
Lizzie and I stayed in that bedroom for a good twenty minutes just enjoying the silence and cuddles before she told me that we should change. Lizzie's outfit had gotten soaked from my own, so we both pulled on our nonfancy outfits and tossed our wet ones in the bag.

Always Okay | (Adopted By Elizabeth Olsen)
Fanfic"All I needed was you....but you left me" ~Alexis Chase Olsen "Giving you up was the hardest thing that I ever had to do but it wasn't my decision" ~ Elizabeth Olsen ------ I'm not great at writing these so instead here's an excerpt from the first...