Word Count: 3377
Scarlett's POV
After lunch, I led Alexis upstairs to put Rose down. She was really interested in helping with Rose and I found it adorable. Unfortunately, Alexis still didn't really eat lunch so I was a bit concerned. Okay, a lot concerned. Her behavior seems to be all over the place and no one seems to know what to do. I don't think she even knows.
"Wow, this is her room?" Alexis blurted out as I opened the door to Rose's nursery.
"Yeah, what do you think?" I asked carrying Rose over to the changing table.
"It's cute, I like the colors," Alexis commented.
"She does too," I laughed at her wide eyes as she looked around.
"Ya know, I saw my old nursery in some pictures it never looked like this. I mean I guess my mom and I shared a room, so there wasn't really a choice," Alexis told me in a hushed tone as I began changing Rose for nap time.
"Did you always share a room with your mom?" I asked her not knowing where this conversation was going.
"Most of the time, I think. I mean I'm not sure I just know this from pictures," Alexis explained to me as she sat down in the rocking chair in the corner of the room.
"Hmm," I responded not really sure if she was gonna continue or not.
"And with Lizzie, well I didn't like sleeping alone, plus I don't think we had the room," Alexis continued as I looked over to see her face fall a little before it returned to a blank gaze.
"When you lived here?" I asked trying to steer the conversation, as I threw away a dirty diaper.
"Yeah, we lived in a really tiny place but it was okay. I didn't like sleeping alone, I always wanted to sleep in her bed with her," Alexis explained in a monotone voice. It was like she has become immune to the pain because she'd thought this through already.
"You were a cuddly toddler?" I grinned at her. Alexis who's so afraid of everyone and everything was a snuggly bear, not what I pictured but still just as cute.
"No, no I wasn't," she defended herself quickly. I laughed at her childish antics while pulling a sleep sack on Rose as she continued to stutter out a defense. "I-I I just liked knowing she was really there," she managed to finally get out. My grin fell a little hearing that, she was worried that Lizzie would leave as her Mom did.
"Well, I still think it's cute," I said with a small smile. Alexis gave me a playful glare before returning to look around the room.
"Alright Rose, you're all dressed," I smiled down at her.
"Why does she sleep in that thing?" Alexis asked getting up from the chair.
"The sleep sack?" I asked not entirely sure what she was referring to.
"Yeah the weird potato sack thing," she repeated with confused eyes.
"It's like a blanket for babies," I explained, picking Rose up off the changing table.
"Does she not get blankets in her crib?" Alexis questioned.
"She's not supposed to sleep with them until she's older. It's dangerous," I elaborated.
"Oh," she answered looking somewhat in deep thought.
"We've gotta go back downstairs to make her bottle," I said leading her out the door with Rose on my hip. I would've normally just fed Rose myself, like this morning, but I didn't want to make Alexis uncomfortable or anything. Plus Alexis seems genuinely interested in Rose for the first time and I don't want to push her away from that.

Always Okay | (Adopted By Elizabeth Olsen)
Fanfiction"All I needed was you....but you left me" ~Alexis Chase Olsen "Giving you up was the hardest thing that I ever had to do but it wasn't my decision" ~ Elizabeth Olsen ------ I'm not great at writing these so instead here's an excerpt from the first...