Chapter 11

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Word Count: 2953

Alexis's POV

After meeting Scarlett, we headed towards the elevator. They are not like I thought they would be, much calmer and quieter than I imagined, but cool. I followed Lizzie to the room where she was supposed to do her interviews in. Honestly, I cannot imagine doing this many hours of interviews at once. I did that interview with the police a few weeks ago and I hated it. It was one of the worst moments of my life, well not the worst, but still. I wanted out of those handcuffs, so I did my best to get through it. I wonder why Lizzie does this. It doesn't sound fun and it's not like she's being held against her will. That'll forever baffle me.

"Alright, so this is where you can hang out today. My laptop is in the bag so you're welcome to watch Netflix, or read or color or do whatever," Lizzie said as we stopped in front of a small seating area. There were a few chairs and a couch with a small coffee table. "I packed some snacks, a coloring book, some markers, your books, and my computer. If you want to watch a show or something just make sure to plug in the headphones, okay?" Lizzie explained as she handed me the backpack she had been lugging around all day. I nodded in response while setting the bag down on the couch.

"You know you can talk to me?" Lizzie said raising an eyebrow in my direction.

"I don't want to," I told her quietly. If I told Lizzie about my nightmares, especially the one from last night where I murdered her, she'll think I'm a monster. Then she'll send me away and have me locked up forever. I don't want to be sent away, I want to stay here with her. Even if I don't trust her, sometimes being close to her helps keep me calm. It's nice and I like that, like today when I was sad about the big crowd, she didn't yell at me or tell me I was weak, she let me sit on her lap and curl into her embrace. I didn't have to try and figure out if she was being genuine, because at that moment I felt like everything was gonna be okay.

"Well, it's not healthy to keep everything inside-" Lizzie started to lecture me but was cut off by a tall man across the room waving at her and shouting, "Hey Lizzie!"Nothing like being saved by the bell.

"Hi Aaron," Lizzie smile greeting the curly-haired man who had recently joined us. I carefully stepped closer to Lizzie, just so I was a tad behind her. Not that I was hoping to use her as a human shield, just enough so that if things got out of hand I could leave quickly. Well, I guess that's kind of like a human shield but not what I meant. Aaron reached over and gave Lizzie a quick hug, which seemed a bit weird to me. This strange man seem to already have Lizzie's trust but it was going to take a lot more than Lizzie trusting him for me to even consider it. I'm also starting to regret not listening during the meeting earlier because now I have no idea what's going on or who anyone is.

When they pulled back Lizzie was quick to introduce me, leaving me no time to try and process what was going on. "Aaron, Alexis, Alexis Aaron," Lizzie gestured between us.

"Hi," I said as confidently as I could without making eye contact with the man. I didn't want him to see how scared or nervous I was of his presence.

"Hey, how are you, Alexis?" Aaron asked as I continued to stare at the floor drawing new patterns in my head.

"I'm okay," I repeated instinctively.

"That's good, I hope your mom is treating you right," he laughed awkwardly since neither Lizzie nor I laughed with him. It wasn't a good joke. Lizzie isn't my mom. My mom is dead, Lizzie is just...well just Lizzie. I'm stuck with her as much as she's stuck with me.

"Haha," I heard Lizzie mock him sarcastically before she went on to tell him, "Well I'll be over in a second for a soundcheck, just let me get her settled."

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