Chapter 6

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Paruresis = A person with paruresis (shy bladder syndrome) finds it difficult or impossible to urinate (pee) when other people are around. Paruresis is believed to be a common type of social phobia, ranking second only to the fear of public speaking.


Neither of the two noticed as Katie sniffed the air and wondered out of the shop with a curious look in her eyes. A bit of confusion mixed on her face as she stayed smelling something she didn't recognize.

Her bag left by the shelf she was kneeled down by in the bookshop, her new book already added to her bag and the old one left on the floor for any other survivor to take in the future. 

"Pidge?" Shiro called out in confusion as his torch was aimed towards her bag and he lifted his arm to find the row completely empty showing she wasn't close by. 

"Something wrong?" Matt asked as he didn't hear his sister reply, not knowing that Shiro had only found her bag. 

"She's not where she should be" Shiro answered as he picked Katie bag up, noticing the old book she had been using on the ground showing she was collecting her new book when he went to check on Matt. 

"What do you mean by that?" Matt asked, worry lacing his voice as he started heading towards where he last saw Shiro turning into the aisle. 

"She went to get herself a new book but her bag is here without her in sight" Shiro explained as he started walking down towards the front of the store wondering if Katie was just checking the corridor. 

"She's gone!" Matt yelled back in horror, starting to run to where Shiro was to see with his own eyes if it was true or not. 

"Can you see her torch flashing down any of the other rows?" Shiro asked calmly, knowing they can't just panic right now since Katie wasn't stupid enough to freak them out like this. She would warn them or only wonder of if there was a reason. 

"N-No" Matt choked out, turning down a different row and peaking under the metal book shelf's trying to see his sister feet or at least her torch shining somewhere. 

"She's got to be close by" Shiro replied, a frown on his face as he started to panic and started walking a lot quicker towards the entrance of the store. 

"Sis!" Matt called out, his panic clear for all to hear as he rushed around the store trying to find her. 

"Pidge! You still in here?" Shiro called out as he reached the entrance doors of the store, turning around and moving his torch around to try and find her. 

"Why isn't she calling back? She knows better than to wonder off on her own or to at least stay in ear shot" Matt asked in a panic, concern and fear in his eyes as he walked to the end of the aisle when he saw Shiro torch light and hoped for it to be his sister. 

"I-I don't know? She wouldn't scare us like this on purpose. Maybe she had to go to the bathroom and just went into one of the other stores while we were distracted. She is a paruresis" Shiro replied as he turned to Matt, feeling just as worried but trying to keep an open mind.

Katie was younger and her bladder did kick in more often than theirs did. If she needed the bathroom, she knew she was allowed to go off on her own and find somewhere to go since she'd do it safely.

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