Chapter 27

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They soon reached the single floor middle school, having to walk all around to the front gate to enter. Going through a zig-zag  maze of thin wire fence that was placed around the school grounds and slowly lead towards the main entrance of the school while blocking off the rest of the school grounds. Keeping other's outside and those inside .. safe. 

A few of the fences were covered in old, dried blood and a few guts left hanging through the wire gaps. Some of the fences are pulled down and some were cut but wire cutters. 

They stepped inside the school building, torches in hand and their weapons held in a tight grip with their other hand. Glancing down, finding the floor to not be as cleaned as they'd expect but than they remembered that a lot of years had passed since the school was used and since any attacks that might have happened inside before. 

They still knew to stay alerted, with all the fence maze outside and most of the fences placed to keep the grass area blocked on the safe side of the school for people to use .. the undead might still be trapped inside somewhere. 

But the good news over the school barely being touched since it got overran before, the laminated map was still left on a table by the entrance and it had written scribbled over it in marker to show what the cops or army did with certain rooms. Meaning, they knew to head towards the main hall where they stacked up the supplies.

"Are you sure over keeping to the back? You won't see the undead until they're grabbing you from behind" Shiro asked with worry over his shoulder towards the younger women. 

"Must I remind you over why I'm the best person to cover your ass right now?" Katie replied completely serious and raising an eyebrow, even if he couldn't see it. She was the best bet to keep to the back where they could unexpectedly be grabbed by zombies. She was immune mostly and while she was dragged away by zombies, the other two knew to make a run for it and get to safety. Plus, she could just kill the zombies and lead them away while the other two escaped before catching up with them later. Shiro would wait for her where it's safe and well, she'd have to lie to Keith over not being bitten or scratched. Plus, if she did gain wounds than she'd just have to leave. Letting Shiro have the chance to stick with Keith while she moved on her own.

"No need. We'll leave protecting our backs to you" Shiro quickly replied as he knew it was best not to discus such a topic so openly before Keith. 

"Don't worry, I'll cover your ass" Katie promised as she lowered her torch from checking the sides of the hall and shining it over his butt. 

"Of course you would" Shiro sighed like a tired parent, not surprised over her properties or cheek anymore.

"How about my ass? Are you going to cover mine too?" Keith innocently asked as he came to a stop from where he's been leading them, turning his torch to light up the two behind him. 

Shiro shining his torch up towards Keith, blinding him like Keith was doing with his own torch. Keith giving an apologetic look before started walking again. 

"Hmm" Katie hummed back, lifting her flashlight and aiming it towards Keith butt to check it out.

"Katie" Shiro scolded as he noticed where her flashlight was pointed on Keith.

"Yeah, I'll cover both your arses. They're worth keeping an eye on" Katie called back happily and glancing over her shoulder to check that nothing was creeping up on her. 

"Thank you?" Keith replied unsure if that was a compliment or not.

"No, thank you" Katie shot back, rather happy with her view. 

"Stop staring at our behinds. You'll be seen as a pervert" Shiro scolded as he playfully shook his head over her antics. 

"With this view, I can understand perverts" Katie muttered back under her breath

They carried on walking, slowing down as they reached the end of the hallway and noticed a flight of stairs to their right. Lifting their torches and staring toward the stairs before shining them towards the two lots of double doors that sat at the end of the hall. Pidge turning around and shining her torch down the way they came, making sure nothing was following along behind them. 

"Apparently these double doors lead into the hall" Keith spoke up as he looked up from the map and finding that the two sets of double doors held the main hall behind them. Otherwise, he's been reading the map upside down the whole time and they needed to go to the opposite end of the school they stood in. 

"And there aren't any windows for us to take a peak inside and check it's safe to enter" Shiro frowned as he stared at the thick wooden doors that held no windows at all. Clearly fire safety doors as well by the small sticker on the bottom corner. 

"We'll just have to slowly open one half of one set of the double doors and poked our heads inside. Check for any signs of life, well the undead inside" Pidge replied as she shined her torch towards one of the doors and knowing someone would have to open one half of the doors while someone else poked their head inside. 

"There are fire exits dotted down inside the hall, in two of the corners at the front wall. I'm praying that any panicked people didn't try hiding inside the hallway and if they did, they escaped through the fire doors instead of staying inside" Keith mentioned as there were green coloured dots placed on the map with the dots meaning written along the edge and Keith thought over how some might react when a zombie broke through into the school. 

"Let's just hope they haven't locked the doors from the inside otherwise we'd have to find another way inside" Shiro added on with a worried look, knowing they couldn't open the fire doors from the outside and would need to break in somehow if the doors were locked. 

"Well, who wants to slip their head inside and check it out for us?" Keith asked as he looked towards the other two.

"I'll do it. My head is small and round. Wouldn't have to open one of the doors that much for me compared to the two of you" Pidge volunteered with a bright smile and raising an hand in the air. She knew it'd be much safer for her to risk being bitten than the other two. 

"My head isn't that big" Keith weakly argued back with a pout. 

"Let's just let her shut her head inside the doorway and try not to slam the door on her" Shiro grinned back as he walked over to the closest door, giving it a light push and finding it open with a creak and proving the door wasn't locked. 

"So mean. What did my cute little head ever do to you" Pidge whined back as she walked over to Shiro. 

"It's your mouth and hands that picked a fight" Shiro shot back with a smirk as kept his hands flat against the door, ready to open it a bit better. 

"Meh, you've got me there" Pidge admitted with a shrug, ducking under Shiro arms and ready to slip her arm with the torch and her head out. 

"I'll keep watch. Make sure nothing undead comes down the stairs or from behind us" Keith mumbled back as he turned around, shining his torch around to help him keep guard. 

All of them flinching as the door creaked while Shiro slowly pushed it open enough for Pidge to slip her top half into the room and checked the hall with as well as she could. 

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