Chapter 13

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Question: Do you want me to call Shiro as Shiro or as Takashi. Like I've been calling Pidge as Katie.. what do you prefer. (I'll test this chapter out by calling him Takashi and let me know what way you prefer it)


"Is it me or have there been more runners about lately" Katie stated as she kept her body ducked behind the car with just the top of her head peeking round the side, staring at a small handful of runners that stood jolting in one spot ahead.

"Cities really have been too dangerous to walk through now" Takashi commented with a troubled look, the top of his head popped over the MINI roof.

"We've got no choice. Any old tracks or paths through mother nature have been overgrown and taken back by mother nature herself. It's like walking through an grassy and weeds filled jungle if we try going around" Katie reminded him with her frown as they've got not choice but to use main roads and cities to travel around.

"I know, I wasn't complaining. I'm just .. worried over what the future might hold. If all the infected is being forced to the cities, we'll start losing our access to travel" Takashi muttered out, his uneasy being clear for anyone to see over the small truths that were piling up to a worrying problem.

"Let's try cutting through one of the shops down the way we can. One had a set of doors that excited on the opposite end of the entrance and we might be able to get through that way" Katie offered with a small smile, creeping round Shiro to the back of the MINI and pointing towards primark store they've already passed.

"Good thinking" Takashi smiled, giving an agreeing nod over it.

"Let's just hope there isn't another bunch of runners waiting on the other side of these buildings or we'd have to try and lead them away somehow just to get past" Katie mumbled back as they started walking back the road they took to get this far.

"Let's over worry over that if it happens" Takashi weakly muttered back as he really didn't want to face that headache just yet.

The two stayed quiet as they hurried over to primark and slipped through the doors that were left wide open, mostly rusted open by now. The glass in the doors were shattered giving them a way in even if the doors were closed but neither had to worry over squeezing in for now.

Pulling out their main torches and looking around the entrance area first, the whacks of clothes blocking most of the view and they won't know over any infected until they jumped out of them. But, for the most part, it seemed a smooth walk to the other side and neither wasted time by hovering by the door.

Moving their torches around to light up as much as they could while they walked and trying their best to not take notice of the rotten smell filling the air. The damp smell that followed with it from the clothes being left to the mercy of weather.

"Takashi" Katie shakily whispered as she took noticed of something scurrying past her feet and took a look.

"Yeah?" Takashi asked as he carried on walking, looking between each wrack to stop any surprise zombie attacks.

"You trust me .. right?" Katie asked as she kept her eyes focused on something that edged closer towards the older man.

"With my life" Takashi answered without even having to think over it.

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