Chapter 31

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Katie searched the small town as best as she could. Finding one household with an ibuprofen box left tucked away on the top shelf of a wine holder, nailed to the wall of the kitchen. She climbed up and grabbed it before finding out the body was completely empty inside apart from the paper leaflet that held all the instructions and warnings. 

She frowned at the empty box, throwing it like a child since she couldn't understand why someone would simply leave an empty box like that in such a high place. It screamed to anyone that it was filled up, simply placed out of the reach of children and yet, it was empty. 

Grumbling under her breath as she left to look in other houses and finding up empty until she did another box and hurried to grab it as well. Opening it up and filling hopeful as the ibuprofen case sheet was tucked inside and she pulled it. Only to frown when it wasn't even ibuprofen ... someone had stuck a sheet half full of Omeprazole Gastro-resistant capsules instead. She tucked them back into the box since only two were left inside and won't do much use for any of them. 

Moving on with a bit of disappointment and she entered another house hold and finding the ibuprofen box left dropped on the floor in the living room. She kneeled down, picking it up and finding it empty, even missing all the paper leaflets inside. Glancing around before hurrying over to the sofa that held a few blood stains on it as well as the floor below. Biting her lip before walking over to where the medication sheet was dropped, noticing a few bloody prints on it before picking it up. 

Frowning as it was empty, no ibuprofen pills were left. They were all popped out and Pidge could assume that someone had gotten them into a bit of a mess while they took them. She decided to try and wash her hands, not sure if the stranger had simply hurt themselves somehow or gotten infected. She wouldn't risk passing it on to Keith or Shiro. 

After another hour passing and ending in failure over finding ibuprofen, she headed back to the school. She did found another box of ibuprofen but it was left in a puddle, not really a box anymore and the ibuprofen sheet was defected meaning the pills had washed away in the puddle. 

She took that as a sign that god wasn't on her side and hurried back. An sign left on the side of one of the roads catching her eyes as a knew idea popped into her mind. 

"Declined" Keith shot back without skipping a beat as he stared directly at her. 

"But it might be our only way" Katie argued back, leaning forward from where she sat crossed legged in front of Keith. 

"Rejected" Keith huffed back as he crossed his arms over his chest from where he sat on his blanket. 

"Will you just listen to me!" Katie whined back in annoyance as this was a chance they just had to take. She knew he was still recovering himself and was still spooked since he wasn't able to be on as alert as he normally is. 

"I have and I don't agree with this plan. What happens if Shiro suddenly get's better and wakes up to find you're gone. He's going to freak out. He needs you close by while he's sick. I'll go" Keith replied, completely serious and knowing better than to let her to just wonder off on her own again. 

"No, it could be dangerous" Katie snapped back completely serious. Just yesterday he couldn't even sit up without her help and just because he was able to walk to the males toilets himself doesn't mean he's able to travel far on his own. 

"Than why should I let you go?" Keith asked with an raised eyebrow, leaving her to prove his own point. 

"Because I'm the only one who's not sick in some way. I'm at full health and can still sneak around much easier than you could. It's only a few miles out of town, I could walk there and back in the same day" Katie calmly explained, showing the good points over what she should be the one to go.

"And what if you run into trouble? You'll be left alone without any backup or us knowing what happened to you" Keith reminded her over the main worrying point. She'd be out on her own and anything could happening without him or Shiro having a clue over it. 

"I'll try my very best not to run into any trouble but we've got to take the risks. Shiro needs the ibuprofen and a triage would be left abounded by now. No one should be around, the tents would be ripped and most things would be weather damaged. It's perfect for me to sneak over on my own and check for any ibuprofen" Katie replied with a small smile, knowing Keith was worried for her and scared over the "what ifs" since he seemed so useless right now. But they didn't have the time to argue over this, they had to agree or disagree .. without being mixed views over it. 

"And you think they'd simply hold some ibuprofen there after all these years?" Keith deadpanned making Katie frown at him. 

"Might do. They'd have a medical tent sent up meaning a few medical supplies as well. I can have a look. I've walked through one with Takashi before in the past. He was taken to one with his brother in the past, he's told me the basics over what an triage is" Katie sighed as she sat back up a little, running a hand through her hair and showing that she knew a little over what to expect in a triage. 

"I'm still not sure over this. It's a bit of a walk away and we've got no clue if the triage is standing or not. It might have been taken down before the infected reached it or destroyed by time. What if you head over and there isn't any ibuprofen for you to grab?" Keith admitted with a concerned frown, running a hand through his own hair as he told her his worries. He's known over Triages before but never really saw one himself since he didn't ever need one or bothered checking for supplies with them. 

"Than I'll come back here defeated like I did already once today. Keith, I won't be gone for any longer than two days. I'll sleep the rest of today and leave early tomorrow morning. If things go as smoothly as I hope they do, I'll be back by nightfall. If I'm a bit slow or struggle, I'll make camp for the night and than head back the day after" Katie answered with a promising smile as she shared over her game plan over the triage mission. 

"Fine but what about Shiro?" Keith sighed in defeat before nodding towards the sleeping man close by, the poor guy was still holding a face of pain even in his sleep. 

"You'll just have to care for him for me. Make sure he's fed, watered and try to help fight back his fever. Give him a bit of a sponge bath too, he's sweating a lot and needs to be wiped down a little" Katie admitted with a worried look, listing out the basics he'd need to do while she's gone since she knew Keith has been sleeping most of the past few days as she's cared for them. 

"Alright. I'll try my best to act as mother but you better not take any longer than two days afterwards I'd slap Shiro out from his sicken state and drag him to come rescue you with me" Keith warned back completely serious as he was more fearful over Shiro recovering and waking up to find her missing. 

"Deal" Katie grinned back with a happy nod. 

"And take Cosmo with you. I can handle looking after Shiro myself and I'll lock up the doors to the hall to stop anyone or anything wondering in. But I still don't agree with you going Solo and Cosmo will at least back you up over any danger. He'd bark or whimper over any trouble heading your way too. He's still in training but .. he'll be helpful" Keith added on as well while he stroking the said wolf in question.

"Okay, I'll take Cosmo. I don't mind some company on this mission and well, If it'd help reassure you while I'm gone ... I'll take Cosmo" Katie smiled, scratching Cosmo ear and knowing that was the best way to keep Keith happy once she leaves. 

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