Chapter 25

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Katie body was paralysed in fear as she was forced to relive her most terrifying and most painful memories all over again in her dreams. Her body still used to be pinned down by workers, having her limbs strapped to a bed or simply drugged as she's thrown into the experimental room.

Her body was stiff, not a single limb was kicking or twitching in her sleep as she felt herself be eaten alive and ripped apart all over again. She didn't squirm or whimper in her sleep as her voice was stolen away, knowing even if she could scream that no one would come to save her from the monsters being set free to eat her. 

Her face only shown discomfort, sweat forming over her forehead and how body feeling as if she had a burning fever when in fact .. she was stone cold. 

She felt trapped, reliving her horrors all over again and being reminded over who she was born to be. Over the reason she was given life and what chains she thought she had escaped from when leaving the bunker. But in fact, she also chained up the rest of the world when reaching out for her own freedom. She caused the same pain and suffering that she's always known and slapped everyone else with it. 

She was to blame, she knew that much. 

Shiro woke up, running a groggy hand through his short hair and glancing around. No one had to be forced to take watch tonight. Not since they found an old charity shop to make camp inside and the door still worked oddly well. They pushed some of the clothing stands before the glass door before hiding out in the back room to sleep. They were cornered if the undead did come storming through the front windows and door but it at least meant that they could all get a decent night sleep inside. Have a roof over their heads and not being forced to take turns over nightly watch. 

Shiro wondered why he wasn't still asleep, he knew he was an early bird but it was still rather dark out and he had plenty more hours to sleep. His body needed the rest like everyone else. 

His eyes scanning over the rest of his team. Holding back a laugh as he found Cosmo draped over Keith waste, completely dead to the world just like Keith was. As much as Keith complained, over the past two weeks, he's clearly got use to being in Cosmo pack.

His eyes than moved to the figure beside him, surprised she wasn't snuggled up closer and trying to steal his body heat while they slept like she normally did on a cold night. But that's when he noticed how frozen her body was, she seemed like the dead, her limps stiff and unmoveable anymore. 

He quickly shuffled closer, panic filling him as he knew she was having her night terrors all over again. He's seen her live through some in the past and when they were younger, he didn't always see the signs. He learn over them from Matt who'd always wake his sister up urgently, to force her back into the present before she broke anymore than she already was. Than after Matt death, Shiro would notice the damaged look in her eyes after she woke from a nightmare and slowly learnt over all the signs. Knowing it was best to wake her up as quickly as he could. 

He knew the basics over her past, he remembered when she got bitten all those years ago and told him the full story. But she never told him everything. She was still a child, barely able to relive it all and speak the words over what happened to her. Sometimes, after a nightmare as she clings to him, her body shaking, she'd muffle out a few words or sentences over what happened. On cold, rainy nights as she stares out to nothing, she'd mutter out an old story.

But still, he didn't know everything that happened. She still kept so much hidden away over what was done to her. But he knew one thing, it was bloody cruel and unforgiving. 

She lived through something that no child should have to live through. 

It sent a murderous rage through his body whenever he even thinks over the sick bastards that used her a test rat. 

But at the same time, deep down, he never truly wanted to learn over the full truth of her path. He knew his heart would shatter if learnt over everything and he knew he wasn't strong enough like she was. He couldn't hear the life she had once lived, it would break him. 

So, he shook her body. Whispered her name sweetly, trying to call her back to the world of the living and give her comfort over him still being by her side. 

But as he shook and tried pulling back, his voice forced Katie to live another nightmare. To dream over something new, something that had never happened before. Shiro death, Shiro hate and watching him treat her like the real monster she was. She was living through a form of torture that hurt more than what her parents ever did to her. 

It took a good five minutes but she was soon startled awake. Sitting up in a panic, her heart in her throat while it hammered in her ears at the same time. She felt sick, her eyes burned as she wanted to cry but no tears filled them. 

She felt strong and protective arms wrap around her, pulling her fragile state onto his lap and keep her in a safe bubble. His bubble. Letting his scent fill her, her ear pressed to his chest and hearing his heartbeat to prove he was still alive. To prove that he was still with her and never planning on letting her go.

Even if he had to face the devil himself, he'd always be here and ready to hold her tightly in his arms and scare away any and all of her demons. 

He stayed silent, feeling her hands tightly grip at his top. Her body trembling as her mind slowly lost it's fog of fear and she took in her surrendering's, remembering she wasn't trapped in her past anymore. He pretending to not hear her squeaky and raspy voice as she tried to cry but no tears fell. She was always unable to cry whenever waking up from her nightmares, even when it was the time she wanted to cry most of all. 

Whispering soothing and promises words he could give her in her moment of weakness. 

Never once loosening his grip on her, waiting for her to be the first one to break their hold. 

And once she did, they slowly laid again. His arm curled around her and keeping her close. Sharing their blankets and slowly dozing off together once more. 

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